
What's the best way. . . . ?

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. . . to get yourself pumped for a vball game?




  1. Team cheers really get the whole team pumped up

    and having the whole team sing along to a warm up cd.

  2. I personally found, playing from jr school to university level play the best way to get in to a game was to get into a mind set.  I ALWAYS warmed up with the same person and you get comfortable like that and also get your head into the game.  You can use music or just breathing to get pumped, but first get you head in the game.  A set routine will do that and you will find it easier to concentrate and play well.

  3. well what worked for me was exactly like the guy above me said.....use the same guy to warm up with, me and my co-captain, always did the same thing, right there inside the ten foot line.  watched the other team warm up every once in awhile thinkin, yea, we got these guys......a couple red bulls work also, if you can time it right, drink 1-2 to get you pumped up through the fist game or two, then by that time, you should be good for the game.....its all about comfort level and the red bull.

  4. well usaully i start with breathing and running in place and me and my friends bump for a while and start drinking gatorade getting hyped and we just start singing randomly have a laugh so then i play pretty well after getting like that just don't tire yourself yet

  5. p**n

  6. I use my ipod. I play something real loud and I get pumped. I also have to stretch. I have a routine I stick to and I get all my stretches in before the game. I feel so ready when I am stretched and pumped up. I feel like I play much better too. But the best way is your way. Everyone has their own thing. That was just mine. You can find yours, try some different things. You'll do great.

  7. A lot of people use music. Sometimes listening to music you don't normally listen to can pump you up. I also found that sometimes actually visualizing certain plays helps. I'll sit on the bleachers and lean against the seat on the bus and close ym eyes and seriously watch my team do what they do: nice clean bump, amazing set, and me slamming it down ( or whatever position you play, focus on how awesome you just did what you did, cause it's all perfect in daydreams :P) and I focus on the feeling I get in the visualization and my adrenaline gets pumping as if I were really playing. You can always go for a light jog to wake you up. Sports movies help me too. There's one from MTV called All You've Got and it's all about volleyball. It does have a lot of corniness and drama to it but attitudes and feelings are the same when they get on the court so you can kind of relate and when they're runnin' around slammin' balls it kinda gets you feelin' good like you're gonna go do that. Other sports movies work too like Coach Carter or Remember the Titans, all work for the inspirational side of getting pumped. Just depends what works best for you.

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