
What's the best way to absorb what you read?

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I'm taking an AP US History class, along with several other honors and ap classes, this year (I'm a junior in hs). APUSH requires a LOT of reading and as I have all these other classes and activities to do, I don't have much time to read it over and over again to get it nailed into my brain.

What are some things I can do while I'm reading to better absorb the information? I've tried taking down notes on a seperate piece of paper.. but I end up taking down too much so that it takes soo long.

Please help! I really want to do well in this class.




  1. there's a number of things you can do:

    1) highlight

    2) take notes

    3) make a "main ideas" flowchart, where you just link each paragraphs main idea together (with maybe one or two supporting ideas)

    4) read out loud to yourself in a quiet room ---> this one helped me a lot with APUSH. when you read out loud to yourself, your brain automatically absorbs a lot of the information.

    hope this helps!

  2. Instead of writing notes straight from the textbook, Draw mind maps and use different colored pens. It's more fun and effective

  3. do you go to stanton?

  4. Play classical music while you read. If you can high light in your book high light. Try and summarize each section in your own words-write this down.

    Best of Luck!


  5. Good for you! AP classes are challenging, and you are willing to take them on.

    Take time to think about what you are reading, while you are reading it. History is amazingly interesting, but unfortunately history classes can be exceedingly boring. Check out the History Channel, or go to their website. Read historical novels to better understand a period of history, so that when you read the textbook you have a point of reference.

    If you have a teacher who likes to test on names and dates, jot them down as you read. I got A's in history by looking for likely test questions while reading, and by understanding the subject well enough to write a great essay. (My teachers always ended every test with an essay question.)

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