
What's the best way to build muscle and utilize it fully...?

by Guest61128  |  earlier

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without getting "man arms" or whatever you want to call it? I would like to build muscle, also in my legs, etc, but I don't want them big, just enough to be useful when I need them, like for doing pushups and holding myself up when I have to.




  1. Honestly....everything starts with your legs- Do squats, leg lefts, etc. Largest muscle in your body is on your legs. And then work your core-the rest of your body will catch up with barely working it. If you're going to work your upper body- 1 day is back + Bi's....the other day you work Chest+Tri's. These two muscle groups work in sequence. Get yourself some protein powder and a good healthy diet. You'll be on your way in no time...

  2. protein shakes

  3. Seriously, get One or all of Ross's manuals. Choose whatever you like, but for equipment free stuff Get Never Gymless. I cna not say enough good about Ross and histraining ideas. Also pay attentiojn to the articles and forums. I would reccomend them all but for starters Never Gymless and Full Throttle Conditioning. Than Infinite Intensity. He explains so much its crazy. Like the differnace between sarcoplasmic hypertophy (useless bulk) and myofibriallr hyeprtrophy ( muscles becoming denser and harder without increase in size) and the differance between aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, and everything in between including program creation, tapering and just everything.

    Here' s alist of exercises from Never Gymless

    Pulling exercises

    chin up


    band assisted pull-up

    close grip pull-up

    wide grip pull-up

    towel pull-ups

    fat bar pull-ups

    rope pull-ups

    weighted pull-ups

    clap pull-ups

    alternating grip pull-ups

    pull-up bar muscle ups

    ring muscle ups

    rope climbing

    jump,catch and pull

    side to side pull-up

    one arm emphasis chin-up

    one arm chin-up progressions

    one arm chin-up

    band high pull

    one arm band pull

    body row

    Pushing exercises


    diamond pushup

    ball pushup

    pushup between 3 blocks

    band pushup

    arms extended pushup

    fingertip pushups

    knuckle pushups

    divebomber pushup

    close grip divebomber

    ball divebomber

    divebomber from blocks

    one arm pushup

    assisted one arm pushup

    elevated feet one arm pushup

    one-arm pushup from ball

    one arm pushup from one foot

    extedned one arm pushup

    fingertip one arm pushup

    knuckle one arm pushup

    ring pushups

    one arm ring pushups

    one arm divebomber

    bodyweight triceps extension


    bench dip

    band triceps extension

    handstand pushups

    pike press

    overhead band press

    plyometric pushups

    power overs

    depth plyometric pushups

    front to back hand clap pushups

    triple hand clap pushups

    one arm plyometric pushup

    full body plyometric pushup

    band chest press

    Lower body exercises

    bodyweight squats

    medicine ball squat

    wall squat

    resistance band squat

    one legged squat


    car pushing


    hamstring curl(band)

    band good morning

    hamstring curl(bodyweight)

    calf raises

    lateral jumps

    explosive step ups

    knee tucks

    squat jumps

    ankle hop

    long jump

    lunge jump

    Isometric exercises (with homemade isometric tool)

    wall press

    overhead press

    leg press

    leg curl

    hamstring curl

    isometric punches

    neck exercises

    bent over row

    towel pull

    band over load press

    chest press

    triceps extension



    over head press


    Core exercises



    lying hip swing




    russian twist

    side crunch

    side bend

    band twist

    rotational chop

    band slam

    band pull through

    band punches

    kneeling wheel rollout

    standing wheel rollout

    one arm wheel progressions



    wall assited one arm rollout

    one arm rollout



    wall walking

    bridge (from hands)

    back bend

    bridge to stand

    neck bridge

    Conditioning exercises


    band sprints

    bear crawl

    crab walk

    medicine ball slam

    medicine ball wood chopper


    squat thrust

    mountain climber



    jumping jack

    split jumps


    p.s. Neil's answer is so lame I can't even begin. Just get Ross's books. Olympic lifts are not for the average person, one arm dumbell olympic lifts are much better for the layman and those who don't need the technical proficiensy that is needed for true barbell olympic lifts. He doesn't even know the differance between sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy. Believe me Ross will give you all you need and more.

    p.p.s. your pretty ; ) e-mail me.....for training info....seriously

  4. Drink a protein drink and then do some aerobic exercises.

    An aerobic exercise would be a workout that keeps your heart rate up, and is nonstop. Do these for about 30-45 minutes.

    I suggest swimming, or jogging with weights.

    You could also try yoga. Not only will you get fit, you'll also get flexible, and be mentally strong too! You'll find yourself a lot calmer all the time, and more at ease. You'll have less stress, be less irritable, and have more energy.

    After you've started building the muscle, you want to do your best to keep it.

    It's healthier to eat 5 meals a day, every other one getting smaller and smaller.

    So you would eat your average breakfast, have a snack at noon, have a small lunch, eat a smaller snack midday, and eat a dinner smaller than your snacks.

    Drink lots of water too!! Energy drinks are a big no-no, and soda is almost as bad. Juice is good, as long as it's natural.

  5. A good way to build calfs and other leg muscles with quick and lean muscle is to get into your fighting stance and jump back and forth and stationary for about 5 minutes a day. You'll see your calfs start to pop out within a couple of weeks.

  6. Email me your address and I'll send you some information!

  7. The advice usually given women for this is simply incorrect. When a boy builder is on a calorie restricted diet getting ready for a show, they do higher rep(12 or more), lower weight exercises. People think this helps them "cut up" (gain definition). The truth is, this kind of lifting produces hypertrophy (size), an they are using it to jeep from losing size during the calorie deficit. Reps above 8 actually build size (even lower if you have been lifting for a while). I would recommend 3-4 sets of 3-5 reps, as heavy as you can go. Going lighter will not help, If you're shooting for 5, and you can get 6, the weight is too light. This will build great levels of strength without as much size. Olympic style weightlifting will do this to an even greater degree, if you can find a knowlegable coach. Just keep your calories normal (complex carbs about even with protien), eating every 3-4 hours, and this will work.

  8. Work your kicks, punches and crunches.  You don't even have to use a heavy bag.  Throw at least 500 kicks a day, minimum of 1,000 punches and crunches and you will tone up beautifully.  It puts the do (the way) in Shihando.

  9. if u want to be toned without bulging muscles, u run alot, i mean ALOT (or swim, or dance or whatever the **** gets ur heart rate above 160 and keeps it their for a while), u can basically do all the exercises at the gym the body builders do just dont do them with weight instead do, 20 or 30 reps with very little weight , try yoga if u dont already do it, i am currently doing bjj and mma, and the yoga has done wonders for my flexibility, good luck

  10. Well, if you dont want big, man arms, then you probably need to do high rep, lower weight, same weight to develop lean muscles, or as my dad puts it "beautiful muscles". Instead of steadily increasing weight, you stay with the same weight while training and do many reps with it, itll build some muscle but not a lot, mainly just gives definition. Doing this would be enough for pushups which are extremely helpful for becoming stronger, not neccessarily bigger, whoever saw a guy get massive off of pushups? Legs are a pain in the *** to build muscle, for martial arts, practicing kicks against a heavy punching bag would suffice for your purposes. Once you get started with weight lifting and can do at least like 30 pushups (not a lot i know, but come one, thats like 20 more than 90% of the guys i know), just practicing martial arts makes your muscles stronger and leaner but not bigger.

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