
What's the best way to deal with a boosy and aggressive six year old?

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my six year old daughter is mostly well behaved and generally caring(she is always looking out for her five year old brother who is autistic) and treats people with compassion and respect. one of my daughters friends who is also six lives one house over. this morning the calls started at 8:30 with the neighbor wanting to come play, after the third message we reluctantly answered. "ok sure come over...". the kid once again succedes in spoiling the rest of the day for my daughter and like wise the rest of the family, with the constent bossiness and finally ending in a injury to my daughters nose caused by the neighbors choice to throw a heavy cast metal car straight at her. i try to tollerate most things realizing she is only a kid, but this kid has a mean should i handle this nicely?




  1. I either say no this is not a good time or the old "my son is grounded".

    Sure, you can tell the parent that their kid is mean but that just causes a lot of tension and awkwardness (especially if they go to the same school).  

  2. my sister in law had the same problem, so when it came time for her 6year old son to go over she said sorry he cant come because he is banded for 2 weeks and that he was naughty and thats his punishment (even though he hadnt been) well every time he was invited over this happened and eventually they stopped asking for him to go over Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. u can tell her. try not to throw stuff see you hurt my daughter. i am sure you did it by  accident. if you throw something it could end up hurting someone like it hurt my daughter. and i wont talk to your mom. but if this keeps happening. i might have to have a chat with her.

    (talk to the kids mom anyway, not causing a punishment. just let the mom know)

  4. You are blaming a 6 year old child for the fact that YOU as an adult doesn't have the back bone to tell the child that she can't come over?  YOU chose to tell the child to come over to YOUR home.  That was YOUR fault, not the child's fault.  There is no having to "handle" anything....all you have to do is have the balls to say "no".  

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