
What's the best way to deal with a bully?

by  |  earlier

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well there are these girls who insult everyone ,gossip ,start rumors

i am so freakin tired of them but i am a good student that's why i don't wanna get in trouble but trust me if they talk smack about me again i am gonna beat all they asses




  1. i dont think this is a stupid question. those types of bullies are the worst to deal with because they get immense pleasure out of putting other people down to make them feel better. (they actually need to spread rumours)

    u could always confront one of them, maybe the most reasonable and nice one, and just say 'why are u saying these things about me?'

    if worst comes to worse and u cant beat them.. u might just have to join them lol. start a rumour about them, but thats only as a last resort.

  2. I never understand why people get so caught up in what other people say.  Why do you care?  Every time they open their mouths, just think about how nice it's going to be to see them at the ten year reunion when they're on their 5th kid, full of stretch marks and on welfare, but you're coming from your plush job and still have your figure.

  3. If they're continually harrassing you, then report it to the security office of your school/college.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Get together with everyone they have ever insulted, gossipped about or started a rumor about.  Then when you have like 20 people with you, all of you go confront them I am guessing that this is high school, your strategy will have to go like this.  Once you are there confronting them, make sure in advance, that everyone with you is going to say something to them.  If its like just you with 20 girls behind you and they aint saying anything, the girls you are talking to know they just gotta take you out and the rest will just sit back and watch and then join the girls that talk smack in hopes that they will not talk smack about "THEM" anymore.  (this is just the way most high schoolers think)  So you gotta make sure that the girls that are with you are all shouting at them(preferably at least 2 or 3 shouting at the same time)  that will whip up the rest of your posse into a frenzy and the girls will never talk smack about any one of you again.  If they do, they will quickly shut up when you confront them again (even if you are alone because psychologically they will remember what happened when you had your possse with you)

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