
What's the best way to deal with a panic attack?

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My fiance has Generalized Anxiety Disorder. He called me from work today because he was having a panic attack. He doesn't have them very often and he has some Xanex to take when he has one, but that was at home. He really didn't want to leave work because he has a big deadline approaching (probably why he had the attack). I wanted to give him some advice but I had no ideas. What's the best way to get through a panic attack so that you can continue with your day?




  1. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


  2. I honestly just relax. I was told to go on medicines but I can't live life depending on something because how would I deal with this kind of situation? So I just breath in and out and sometimes I'll drink hot tea or coffee. It makes me concentrate on not burning myself instead of stressing. I also find talking to someone helps.

  3. All of the answers you've been given so far are good. For me it's just kind of riding it out . Once I found how  that it was a panic attack and that it lasted only minutes and not a heart attack or stroke or some other physical thing I just  keep reminding myself that it will pass just like all the others I've had. Once I accept it for what it is it just goes away.

  4. The old remedy is to breath in and out into a paper bag.

    Another remedy is to stop and have a drink of cold water.

    These actions force your attention on the task at hand, (i.e. breathing, or drinking) and you stop focusing on your negative thoughts.

    Another remedy is to leave the office and take a short walk in the fresh air. Sometimes the change in your surroundings will relax you and take your mind off of your deadlines, problems, etc.

    The permanent cure is to change your life style to one that you are not as prone to have panic attacks. Deadlines and quotas are all made up, and not worth ruining your health over. Sometimes, just calling your boss or client and telling them that it isn't going to get done on time, helps you work it out with them. Making a deadline is worthless if the product is inferior or wrong, and a quota isn't worth much if the sales don't get collected on later.

  5. take deep breaths and drink some cold water that always works for me

  6. Before I found out I was pregnant I had occasional panic attacks only because I could take as much medication as needed I took something similar to Xanax called Ativan. Still has the same effects. Fast acting. When I was at work and would have panic attacks I would go to the restroom and take deep breaths. Call me a girl, but I would also just let it out by crying. For me, it relieved so much pressure and anxiety. If he doesn't have to take medication I highly suggest he doesnt. Some people, like me, cant work or function without it but others cope better and can function without it all the time. I know it sounds stupid but I would go to a book store and buy a book on coping with anxiety it gives you a lot of techniques from breathing to relaxing. This is something he could read before bed and put to use when he feels the attack coming on. Anxiety is very difficult and you sound like you are doing all you can and support helps immensely even if you feel you havent done anything. My husband is only 20 as am I and doesn't know much about my disorder but is very supportive and helps me through some really tough days. Deep breaths and focusing on something other than anxiety can help to rid of the attack even if you still feel anxious. Feeling anxious is much better than the feeling of an attack. One of my doctors once told me to count while breathing because it takes your mind off of your anxiety and allows you to get your breathing and relaxing on track. As you breathe in count to 1 then as you breathe out count to 1, next do 2 until you get to 10..By then you should feel relieved to know that your anxiety attack is gone and your breathing is back to normal. Also if you pinch the skin between your pointer finger and your thumb it is weirdly painful and he also told me that if you focus on that pain it might take your mind away from your attack or anxiety. Weird I know but it could work!! Good luck

  7. I drink green tea. Or I play a game, find something to take my mind off the anxiety. I was told by a few doctors to get a portable game system and... play! It may sound silly for some adults, but getting involded in an RPG based game can really help

  8. When i have panic attacks it always helps to workout

  9. If you don't have your alprazolan (xanax) or clonazepan handy, the best thing to do is try relaxation techniques such as deep slow breaths. You close your eyes for a moment and inhale deeply and slowly, then exhale slowly. Try this several times until the panic dissipates. It make take a few minutes but it works. There is book that teaches people about this, it's called "The Relaxation Response." Taking a break and going out for a walk may help.

  10. This is a great 7 step tutorial.  If you're not with your husband, you can probably do this over the phone.    

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