
What's the best way to distract a 20 year membership with a Racist Church & association with a criminals?

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maybe attack others with whatever you can?

nice try but ain't gonna work




  1. Lash out man. Get the focus off you however you can.

    Back when Kerry Edwards were running in 2004, I remeber both Kerry and Edwards bringing up CHeney's L*****n daughter. I also remember that the tactic failed miserably, and many people were very turned off by the attacks. It ssems to me that the Democrats are again turning to this tactic, and I hope it again blows up in their face.

    I also find it hilarious that so many democrats/ liberals turned and started attacking people for talking ill of Michelle Obama, after she made her foolish and ignorant comments. "Leave her out of it" was the cry that went up. Mind you this was after she threw her hat in the ring and introduced herself into the political scene.

    Now the same people that were complaining how harsh republicans were, for responding to MIchelle's comments, seem to feel no remorse while attacking Palin's daughter, who has never said anything either way.

    COmplete double standard, and sad.

    I hope this little tactic blows up in the face of those perpetuating it.

    Not to mention, I think there is still more to come on Obama.

  2. well I went to a Catholic church where the primary priest was a Pedophile. Am I some how connected to this man just because I went to his church? Is the simple fact of association a problem?

    If that so Palin often supported Sen. Stevens (a crook) when it was popular to do so. McCain also is connected to Mr.Bush and all his freaking illegal activity. (90% voting record and agreeing with Bush).

  3. Get the support of everybody who controls the media and nobody will ever know. 10 years ago it was easy but now that darn FOX News is s******g it all up.

  4. Oh your little feelings must be hurt.  When all else fails, go back to Rev. Wright.  Sorry. Palin is the hot topic right now.  You guys are going to beat a dead hurt when it down about this Rev. Wright.  GOP are hypocrites.  Most you guys claim to be Christians and you know it wrong to have a child out of wedlock.  It doesn't brother me, I just don't like you guys acting hollier than thou and want to point out everything wroing democrats do. You were dogging Obama about his pass drug use. Two wrong don't make a right. Everyione is talking about it not just the left. ++

  5. get pregnant at 17

  6. Dedicated to the McCainiacs:

  7. Smear a mother of 5 who rose to national prominence the hard way.

  8. Play the "race" card ???

  9. i got a feeling if Obama wins he will got back to square one and go back to this church..and laugh all the way to the bank

  10. I think it goes both ways. It seems like every time the neocons get in hot water they bring up Rev. Wright. Obama hasn't said anything negative about Palin's daughter.   In fact he said family should be off limits.  I think you neocons like to dish it out but can't take it. You guys are report happy too.  It was bloggers on the net that were talking about Palin's daughter Right, Left and independents then the media made it mainstream.  (=

  11. Make character attacks against a pregnant 17 year old then tell the public that families and children are off limits.

  12. yep according to the dems policy one can always just attack whatever woman happens to be in your way like they did with hill. i mean whats hilarious is that obama supporters have forgotten abt mccain even in their urgency to condemn palin and her daughter for something that is not even a crime.

  13. What?

  14. Simple. You pay those nutcases like Rev Wright money to go away, then you repeat over and over "Vote for me, I am not Bush. Vote for me because you disapprove of Bush's job."

  15. Become a Republican

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