
What's the best way to dry lettuce after washing?

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After I wash lettuce for a salad, I try my best to towel dry, but salad ends up soggy from excess water in the lettuce...any tips??




  1. Place it in a large mesh strainer and periodically shake it around.

    I don't have a salad spinner, and I do this.

  2. Use a salad spinner.

    ***** PS *****

    Not hard to find.  Go to Target.  From $20 to $33.

  3. If you can get one, invest in a salad spinner.

  4. Invest in a salad spinner, they work really nice. I Linked one below to show you, but you can find them cheaper than that price.

  5. A salad spinner is definitely the best tool for the job.  But if you do not have one you can put your washed lettuce into a pillow case and go outside and swing it around.  Yes I know it sounds silly but the centrifugal force with push all the water out.

  6. definately salad spinner, but if like me, you don't have room in your tiny kitchen for one, you can shake the head as much as possible and then pull it apart still in large leaves. Lay a dish towell on the counter top, layer w/ a couple paper towells and put the lettuce.  Cover w/ 2 more paper towells and another dish towell and blot.  Dont' forget to re use the paper towells since they are damp but clean.

  7. start with really fresh lettuce. as soon as you get home, wrap the lettuce in a damp absorbent paper towel. make sure you always store it in a roomy area in the drawer. make sure the temp. and humidity settings are set right. always change the paper towel to make sure it soaks up the water. then have the salad.

    hope this helps!


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