
What's the best way to get back into shape?

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I start school again in about 2 weeks and I want to get back into shape because I'll have a gym teacher that makes us run alot this year. I've been doing sit ups, push ups, and jogging but I still can't seem to get better at running. Any idea's? If it makes a difference (i think it might) when I run, I have asthma after a while. Thanks!




  1. Try jogging for ten minutes and then walking for 15.  Do this for at least two intervals.  Then try doing it for an hour.  Then start shortening the time you walk and increasing the time you run.  

  2. When you want to try an prevent yourself from getting worn out (i.e. out of breath) so if you are really hard of breathing just jog for a few minutes to calm down and then start running again. :) Don't over-exert yourself. Also try doing leg-lifts, calf-lifts, and other leg targeted exercises to build your stems up. :P

    Also, to help with breathing try riding an exercise bike/regular bike or swimming laps. You will learn to take deeper breaths and your lungs will get stronger. Remember to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth and always drink water when exercising!

  3. Just try to eat worked for me and maybe go for less m.c. Donald's and star bucks.make sure you sleep and excersize....go to the gym too:)

  4. Two weeks may not be enough for muscle build up but you can definately prepare your body.  Before i run i spend ten minutes to myself  building flexibility, it really helps.  Yeah i am a boy and i am flexible, big deal.  At least my body is built for the excersize.  Always before running, i do a certain stretch that helps my legs from aching in the end (or the middle where it counts). Sit down on the ground, stool, or anywhere hard preferable, and put the bottoms of your feet together.  Make sure your heels are close to your body and still on the ground.  Then i push my knees down as far as i can without hurting myself for ten-twenty five seconds.  i give myself a few seconds of rest after i relax and repeat 20 times.  it feels great in the end and it really helps.  Start immediately and by the time school starts you will have built up your flexibility.

  5. Run farther each time you go Jogging. Increase your pace and control your breathing technique each time. It's a good idea to warm up and eat plenty of Bananas too (helps protect against cramping). Eating Breakfast, Sleeping around 8 hours, and just keeping a daily workout plan. If you can hit the gym and lift weights, that helps out a lot too. Stretching before your workout helps a bunch, if you know how to do it.

  6. I like to attack a fitness  by creating a list of activities to help with a fitness plan.   The one important feature of your plan should be that you add to workout time every other day.  Ask much of yourself and you will be happy.  I really think you should check in with your doc for a "puffer"  in case your asthma problem becomes more severe.  But, eat proper meals in proper portions, and stick with your exercise plan even if you have to cancel some social events to keep faith with your exercise plan.  Good luck.  

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