
What's the best way to get dirt/scuff marks off of a painted wall?

by  |  earlier

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I tried using the "magic erasers" and all though they work well in the kitchen, I found they weren't all that great on walls. It just seemed to push the dirt around, and therefore making a bigger mess. I am moving out and I don't want to leave the walls looking like c**p. Any suggestions on what works best? Thanks!!




  1. Oh dangit . . . I was going to say Mr. Clean Magic Erasers LOL. Those work on everything for me.

  2. you can try tsp just follow the directions on box

  3. I've always used ammonia and water to clean my walls. It works really well. Otherwise, try 409 or something similar.

  4. Warm water, dish soap and a rag. Add a little elbow grease and you should be good to go.

  5. paint over then with the same colour as the walls

  6. if the magic eraser moved the dirt around then it seems that the marks are not just loose debris, try soap and water to remove the residue.

  7. some fantastic and a rag....scrub but not too hard or you'll scrub the paint

  8. try a tennis ball, i know that it works well at getting scuff marks off of floors

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