
What's the best way to get fit quickly?Is there a particular sport which will start to get me in shape quick?

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What's the best way to get fit quickly?Is there a particular sport which will start to get me in shape quick?




  1. Swimming and cycling are good cardio workouts and also use most of the muscles in the body. It is not the quickest way in the world, particularly if there is a bit of fat to be burnt beforehand, but once the ball gets rolling they are both excellent ways to get and keep fit which can wield fast results.

  2. sprints sprints sprints  

  3. Basketball, i lost 30lbs in 3 months playing 3 times a week,

  4. specific exercises will do it for you

    check out these crazy push ups

  5. If you are new to exercise then power walking or swimming is the best way to start, anything else might wear you out and put you off! if you go to a gym then use the treadmill start of slowly as you get more used to it increase the speed and then add in an incline.

  6. The best exercise you can do, bar none, is swimming. It is a non-impact sport, so you are not stressing your joints. It also works the whole body.

    If you are not into that - you could join a gym and do circuit training.

    I enjoy running on soft surfaces - good for the legs. Tennis would also be a good all round workout.

  7. Hey Brendan

    There's no quick fix. The fastest thing to do is  take action - just get started.

    Yes, swimming is my favourite, cycling is good.

    But don't push yourself believing that more is better. Whatever you choose for exercise, while you'll feel better for it immediately, you don't want to rush into an injury. Any routine exercise will take 3-months to really kick in.

    So just start now and gradually build your strength, stamina and endurance.

    I recommend karate. You'll begin to feel fitter immediately, you can go on improving your fitness - and you're developing a skill which will do wonders for your outlook on life.

    If you're not martially inclined, then a good fitness program is the way to go. Plus a sensible approach to diet.

    You can read up on both at

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