
What's the best way to get into "running shape"?

by  |  earlier

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I am in pretty good shape but not an advid runner. I would really like to start running, but don't know what kind of training it takes to get there. Don't nessesarily want to run marathons, but would like to be able to get on a treadmill and run for a half hour straight at a pretty good clip.





  1. You should get your diet on track, cut the crappy junk foods/fast foods for one.

    Then you want to focus on your actual running. You need to do two things.

    1) Long distance running. (this will be a longer distance that #2.) the key is that you want to run this at a medium pace, one that you can work hard at, but you don't want to be killing yourself for.

    2) You also want to do some sprints. For this you can just set your treadmill at a higher speed for 100m, and then walk for 100m. repeat this for a mile.

    Both of these exercises will increase your endurance/stamina. These will both lead to your goal "but would like to be able to get on a treadmill and run for a half hour straight..."

  2. Definately run outside; it's way better.

    But if you are first starting out with the running thing you need to rotate the time and intensity of your workouts throughout the week. (When first starting out go for short times)

    -----first couple of weeks just go about 20 mintutes a/day and try to run for as long as you can w/out too many brakes , however not at a killing pace (somewhere inbetween being able to have an easy conversation with your friend and not being able to talk)

    then after a few weeks you can start rotating


    - 30 minutes (long  run)

    -2o minutes (short easy run )

    -25 minutes with like 3-2minutes tempos,faster--not being about to have conversation, out of breathe (Short hard run)

    -20 minutes (short easy run)

    --rest day

    then like the next week you increase all the times.

    ---at first it may seem like you can't finish a 20 minute run, but just keep going, soon a 40 easy minute run will be a piece of cake.  GOOD luck

  3. I would stay off the tredmill unless it is very bitterly cold, oppresively hot, or raining sideways. The best way to get in shape and improve your running stamina is to simply keep running. Don't over do it no matter how great of shape you think you may me in. If you surf the web, there are all sorts of training schedules from training for a 5k all the way to the grand daddy of the all; the marathon. Determine what your goals are and print out a training scedule, put it on the fridge so you see it every day. Why is everyone so focused on speed? Good luck. Waddle on!

  4. lol well the best advice to get into running shape is to RUN! lol this always works best for me when im out of shape try running a short distance or the regular distance you're running right now and then the next day run a little bit more and the next a little bit more until you get to the distance you want to run.

  5. do a beginner 5k program.

    if the first few weeks seem too easy just start at a later week. also u can repeat weeks, go at your own pace.

  6. If you want to be a good runner, RUN.  Forget the treadmill, just run, outdoors, on the road, in the woods whatever.

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