
What's the best way to get my 3 year old to stop saying NO?

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Any suggestions from you proud parents out there would be greatly appriciated! THANKS




  1. Talk positively around him or her and offer them choices so that they feel in control

  2. Not an easy answer, and I see you have two opposite reactions.  We have started telling ours that when she says no to something mommy and daddy tell her to do, she must put a toy in a big bag.  At the end of the week the bag gets sent to goodwill to little kids who don't have moms and dads that can't give them toys.  If she is really good, she can "earn" toys back.  If not, be prepared to take the toys to goodwill.  Choose wisely.  We haven't had to take a bag yet, but many end up in it for a short time.  Really seems to be working.  I don't want to keep her from saying no when she needs to or when I give her a choice, so it's very confusing.  Sometimes she gets to pick the toy (when it's a "small" no), or if it's a very big NO with defiance, or blantant, then I get to pick the toy!  Very effective.  Not perfect.

  3. Shove some food in her mouth, and when she's done, shove in some more.  That is the only way I can get my three year old to stop saying no.  Sorry, that's all I've got.  I'll check back and see if anybody else has solved this mystery.  Good luck!

  4. Well I'm still young and I'm only going to ninth grade, but I just learned about this in home ec. and toddlers usually learn no as a first word and just love to say it. If he/she says it to pretty much whatever you tell them, he/she will most likely get over it within the next year or so. It's kind of a long phase. If he/she only says no when you ask them to do something or offer them something, maybe giving a choice they can understand will help. =)

  5. She may be parroting something she hears a lot.  Sometimes "no" becomes a reflex with parents and they do not think through requests.

    Can I play outside? No.  Try - yes, when it stops raining, or after you eat.

    Can I have that? No. Try- yes but when you get bigger.  Use your hand to show her a line.

    If you say "eat"  She says "no".  She will learn that food is on the table at certain times of the day and if she is going to eat, it has to be when the food is there.  Kids will eat when they get hungry enough.  That is an instinct of basic survival.

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