
What's the best way to get out of Jury Duty?

by  |  earlier

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What are the best ways or excuses to get out of it? Thx!




  1. Come on, it's not that bad.  I personally enjoy jury duty and look at it as a way to take part in the wheels of justice turning.  You might learn a few things.

  2. I answered a similar question here in Yahoo! Answers a year ago, and I explained that in California, it's now THE LAW to serve jury duty;if you don't, it's an INSTANT $US1,500 fine on the spot, and minimum six months in JAIL(it's now a FELONY to refuse to serve!)...blame the CA Supreme Court for this idea!!!...

    In fact, the rumor still persists that you may/will have your driver's license REVOKED if you don't provide valid proof that you served jury duty the next time you renew your vehicle registration or driver's license, even if you live in a state that has NO mandatory jury duty service law...

    Serve your jury duty or go to JAIL for six months(plus a $US1,500 fine)!!!...NO exceptions whatsoever!!!...

    Sorry for sounding so harsh, but that's the way it is now here in CA!...


  3. Show up and act like an idiot....or like an American who doesn't give a crapola about the justice system and our system of judgement by a jury of your peers.

  4. When they question you, act like you're biased in the case, or say that you're familiar with the person or group and their activities.

    My Dad got out of it because he owns and operates a small business and he said that he felt either outcome may have a damaging effect on his business, or something like that. It was quite a few years ago.

    At the same time, it IS your duty. However, if there's something going on at the present time that jury duty is conflicting with, make up an excuse and go for it the next time you get picked.

  5. Well, if you're a full-time student, you might put down that you would have a hardship if you miss class.  Some states will make it so you can't be chosen for a certain period.

    I know if you already had a trip planned or something, you can postpone it for up to 12 months, as long as you give a month you can serve.

  6. Just go, even if you get out this time they just postpone it and call you back again

  7. none its your duty as a citizen of the U.S.

  8. don't it your civil right of being a american

  9. Do your duty as a citizen.serve your country.

  10. be racist, sexist, and other -ists

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