
What's the best way to get out of breakup depession?

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I am 28 year old woman. I broke up with my ex boyfriend of 3 years few weeks ago. I feel very depressed especially over the weekend. Rather than going to club (i hate meeting men in club) or meeting friends (i don't have many friends at the moment), what are the best ways to do alone in order to get out of the breakup depression?

The only thing I do at the moment is working 5 days a week and just sitting with my computer in my bed at home browsing internet.

Please share your experience to overcome from breakup depression? Anyone had a success??




  1. why are you depressed that YOU broke up with your ex? wouldnt he be the one to be depressed? anyways, i guess thats not the point. i think the best way to get over these kinds of things is to do what you enjoy. i know it sucks not having that piece of your life anymore and it will sting for a very very long time.

    my ex broke up with me almost 4 months ago. i still get out and a get to see friends a lot but that feeling of missing the person doesnt go away easily. usually when theres a breakup, i dont see the person ever again which always helps but this one goes to the same school and shows up on facebook etc etc. contact isnt broken and neither can my thoughts. the best thing to do is find something that doesnt make you think of the situation and do that often. i made a lot of friends again on msn and scheduled meeting with people i didnt have time to see. anyone helps.

    if you cant find people to do stuff with. go out. go to a bar or coffee shop and just enjoy your time outside of the house and the internet. stuff happens away from home and its likely you will be a lot more tired when you get home than if you never left, so you will sleep well.

    other than that, join a gym. exercise. the release of endorphins from a workout makes everyone feel better!

    good luck

  2. I dump my gf back in may because she was seeing some other guy without telling me and lied constantly about it and got distant on me.

    I got over her in like 30min,

    we dated for like 2 and 1/2 years.

    I had to get back to the old me before I met her.

    Do not rush into a rebound. Take time off from dating to clear your head.

    Me I picked up weight lifting as theropy for my self and I am getting a more toned body in the process. I know if my ex saw me now she would flip like man I could have had that lol

    Good luck.

    Me personally I say try working out also helps you feel better and you can take the anger out on the weights.

  3. well girl

    best thing to do is to keep yourself busy.

    go out, meat new people. Joining some social activities. Find a new hobby.

    There is lot of fish in the ocean. Take them all out and test drive them all. First is for fun and second you may find some one you like that way. lol

    Oh even pick on some one and starting to write to them.

  4. Breakup s*x with some hot dude will do the trick! LOL

  5. Breaking up is so hard to deal with and often times, those who have been dumped feel quite depressed. This is a normal reaction to this action. However, any depression you feel can cause you to make many bad choices. If you have been dumped and want to steer clear of these kinds of things, you should find healthy outlet that will allow you to get over the loss and even win your ex back.

    If you are truly serious about staying away from bad influences, take an exercise program. If your body and your mind are in good physical and psychological condition, you can make better choices. This doesn't just go for Hollywood actors and actresses either. Good regular exercise is beneficial for everyone. This is the biggest reason you should create a workout plan.

    If you have the cash, try joining a gym so you can stay motivated and exercise. However, you may still be wasting your money. Try a personal trainer if you can find the money for it. Many people have to force themselves to work out on a regular basis when they are in the right frame of mind. When you are depressed or in a slump, a person who can motivate you to move it is a great way to stay exercising. Everyone needs a little encouragement every now and then, more so, when a person is suffering from depression.

    There is no need to get overly dramatic about exercising. What you really need is a distraction that is healthy in nature and can make you feel better about yourself. A simple run around the block, a swim in the pool or lake, or even playing fun sports like soccer or football. As long as you stay active, your mind is relaxed and your body is toned.

    During a brief interlude without speaking or seeing your ex, you can spend time working on you. If you want to win your ex back, you should spend this month making yourself whole once again. Believe it or not, your ex will notice a significant difference and may even want you back.

    It doesn't matter if you are exercising to win your ex back or if you just want a way to avoid dealing with the pain of breaking up, having a healthy outlet such as physical activity is wonderful. If your goal is to win your ex back, devise a plan about how you see this occurring. Walking into this situation blindly is never good...not if you want to win back your ex.

  6. get busy , get out , and push those thoughts away.

    even a hobby, classes, heck even church or  bowling league, take your focus and move it.

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