
What's the best way to get "physched up" for a competition? any pre-comp advice?

by Guest66919  |  earlier

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Figure skating competition, volleyball game, tennis ...what are the best things to do before I take the ice or the court?




  1. for skating i guess picturing doing everything perfect and listening to your song like 1ce or 2ce. and if you have a piano comp, match up skaters to skate to the other ppls songs. for games, get hyper energetic but don't use too much energy before the game :p

  2. well, i play tennis as well and what i do for that is get warmed up by swinging my tennis racket back and forth (backhand and such) and i jump around and i also rock on my heels and i am "psyched".

  3. Breath and picture urself doing good, and doing every little thing PERFECT. Listen to some good music,  just get hyper!!!

  4. umm jaggermeister and red bull shots

  5. Listen to fast music...I like to listen to fast R & B songs cuz it pumps me up...

  6. clear my mind and focus on my goal.

  7. talk to ur friends and just get really ready and pumped up thats wut i do

  8. I play softball and I usually talk to my other players and get them pumped up so that they pump me up! It works because then you are back to the basics of teamwork!

  9. Well mostly I will just listen to my iPod. But before a game me and my team will always play games to pump us up like dancing games and stuff like that.

  10. listen to fast paced music don't speak don't think just stare at nothing. Thats what I do for sports.

  11. You need to get energized. Just get excited for the game, and you will do great. I think a great way to do it is to get hyper with your friends.

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