
What's the best way to get racoons (6-7) out of apartment?

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Landlord will not help. Exact number of racoons is uncertain as they never congregate at any one time.




  1. try laying traps or call an exterminator

  2. Call your local Police Department (not 911- - -the non-emergency number) and ask for animal control.  Another option is the Game and Fish Commission (yellowpages).  They can place you in contact with someone to assist you!

  3. call animal control. they'll do something humane and safe to take those raccoons. then to make sure they don't come back call the state department on housing and have them make the landlord build a barrier.

    good luck.

  4. move would be the best thing to do

  5. After your landlord gets the call from the health department he will get them out and if not you need to find out where they are getting in and block that area. Also try calling animal control.

  6. Tell them you love them.

  7. Call the health department, I'll be the landlord will get them out then. Good Luck!!!

    Have a great day!!!

  8. I would ask them politely to leave---raccoons comprehend English more than most people think, and can be reasonable when a decent compromise is suggested.  Perhaps they enjoy fresh crawfish?  Delicately approach them and posit the following: "Me give me dear friend Rackuns, tasty crawfish, if me friends we move back to friendly woods."   If they have a taste for shellfish, they should head back to the forest as soon as they gather their belongings.  Just make sure you have plenty of fresh crawfish on hand---raccoons do not take double-crossings well

    Good luck!

  9. The landlord has to get them out.  This is the law.  I would suggest calling the health department and telling them about the situation and asking them to to a visit.  If they say it's not their department get the wildlife department on the phone.  And in the meantime send a certified letter to the landlord.

    This is not something you want to deal with yourself.  If they are actually IN the apartment then you probably need to get out and make sure your pets and any children are safe until they are gone.  Raccoons can carry rabies and other diseases.

  10. LOL!! I think you should find a new place to live!

  11. Set up a trail of cheese cubes leading out of your apartment, trust me, IT WORKS!

  12. If you can stand the smell of mothballs(old>>fashion ones) get some and spread them around the shed - dont use them if you have children or pets in the area.

  13. Actually very easy, and very hard at the same time.

    First of all, you do not talk to the health department.

    At least you don't in my state. You talk to the local animal control office.

    What you need to do is to live trap them. You need to be very careful about trapping them this time of year. I would wait another 6-8 weeks. Think about it-If you trap a mother,what happens to the young? And If they die in your wall!

    This is the hard part: You can go ahead and do it now, but if you catch a grown female, just let it out of the cage on the spot. Do not haul it off. Any others just take somewhere else and release. I always moved them at least 20 miles, however some people say that 5 is enough.

    AFTER all of them are gone, close up the opening where they are getting into your building. I used to work for a company that does this in Austin TX.  I went to a guys house where he had sealed up an opening into his attic to keep a racoon out. The problem was that the racoon had kits (babies) that were inside the attic. She ripped a hole clean through the roof, 3/4 inch decking and all, to get to them. The animal did several hundred dollars of damage to the roof.

    You would need a good trap (about$50) such as this:

    "Havahart Model 1045: Used to trap and remove Skunks, Raccoons, Woodchucks, Porcupines, Opossum, and Feral cats. Galvanized doors and frame. 36" x 11" x11" "

    "Transport animals at least 20 miles away for release in a suitable habitat. Avoid trapping during early spring and summer as young may be orphaned by the capture of their mother. Suggested baits: Fish, apples, or canned pet food."

    You might be able to get the local animal control office to loan you a trap. In my town you just put up a $25 deposit.

    Good luck!

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