
What's the best way to get rid of Bag Worms in Leland Cypress trees?

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and how often should I do this?




  1. Hand Pick them off! and then spray them

    Insect Control: Prepare Fels Naptha Solution first. (Solution - shave 1 inch of Fels Naptha bar in a nylon stocking and place it into a gallon of boiling water along with 4 oz. liquid dish soap(Ivory). Store as needed and shake well before use. It will have a gel-like consistency.) Mix 1 cup of Fels Naptha Solution with 1 cup antiseptic mouthwash (mint flavored if nematodes are a problem) and 1 cup chewing tobacco juice. Spray with a 20-gal hose-end sprayer with a golf ball in it to keep mixture mixed.

    I buy my Fels Naptha at my local Ace Hardware, it's cheaper.  

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