
What's the best way to get rid of fleas?

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The dog is gone, but my home and my outside lawn is full of fleas. Please HELP!!!




  1. Fleas cannot servive without a host for longer than 2 days but they can live in your carpet for up to 2 weeks. i recommend going to walmart and buying Sergeant's gold flea and tick carpet powder. you just sprinkle it on wait for a while and vacuum it up. You can even use it on your couches. I also recommend washing all your blankets and sheets.

  2. Go to your local Petco or Petsmart and tell them what the problem is and they will tell you exactly what you need to do, need to buy, and how to do it.  I have never had a question there that they couldn't answer.  If they don't know the answer, they will find an employee who does.  

    Once when I was a child, we had horrible fleas, and I remember that my parents had to use an insect bomb on the house.  Of course, now they have comfortis for dogs that treats fleas in dogs internally.  It kills fleas on a dog within 30 min. and will keep killing the fleas and eggs for up to 30 days.  You buy it once a month or you can get a 6mth supply.  When we got our dog Bandit, he had fleas, and the doctor we took him to gave him comfortis and told us that by the time we got home, his fleas should be dead.  We haven't had any flea problems at all.

  3. two words FLEA BOMBS

  4. To treat your house I recommend going to your local Vet office and buying a can of area treatment (The brand "Knockout" is highly recommended). One can should be about $20 or less and it will treat 2,000 sq. ft. All you do is spray it on your carpeted areas and furniture then let it dry (only takes about an hour) and it kills all of the fleas and eggs on the contacted areas.

    If you have only hardwood or tile floors, those can be treated with good old fashioned bleach and water (strong solution).

    The products you can buy from a Vet Office work a million times better than ANYthing that you could buy at Walmart or any other general store. And bombing only works if you actually call a professional to do it, but it is a hassle because you have to clear your house for a while.

    Trust me, we have fleas tracked in our Vet Office every day and we have never had a problem!

    As for the outside, the best solution is to have your yard treated by a professional.

  5. i had such a bad infestation in my yard & house at one time that someone called the county on me!  what worked was those granules that you spread around the yard and i got something on line called insect growth regulator. the best preventative is to treat your dogs regularly with  stuff like frontline,biospot,etc. to keep it under control.

  6. Um, you could bomb the house. You'd have to stay in a hotel for a while, but it should take care of it. And when I say bomb I mean insect bomb, lol

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