
What's the best way to get to the Guatemala City Airport from Antigua, Guatemala?

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Looking for a company to provide an airport transfer in early April from my hotel in Antigua to the Guatemala City Airport. Any recommendations? How are the taxis there?




  1. Be better to drive. It's a very short drive really. Someone would be glad to take you I'm sure. Any Church minister maybe?

  2. There are regular shuttles that go to and from the airport all day long.  They usually leave from the main square and they will be cheaper than a taxi (usually around $10).  Anyone in the downtown area will be able to tell you when and where to catch one :)

    Also, if you are staying at a nicer hotel, they may have a shuttle or perhaps have an arangement with several Hotels in the area.  It is a common need so you shouldnt have a problem.

    Happy Travels!

  3. i am an american pastor that has a house and church in Guatemala city call  Egar Hijo at 50259282912 he is a very nice guy and i trust him with my life every month because i only speak about half spanish he is a taxi driver that has his own car  please dont trust just any one   your life could depend on it be careful

  4. grap a cab and say "aeropuerto porfavor" ( pronounce like this "aropuerto porfabor")...antugua is beautiful...the university  there was the 1st university built in central america....the architecture is just divine...try fridas restaurant....also the owner of this place speaks english and will help you with anything you feel free to ask him...young guy...always there..A must is to get your picture taken under the yellow bridge that connects the convent to the priest should also check out tikal...breathtaking!!!!

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