
What's the best way to get water out of your ears?

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i started swimming daily, and i always get water in my ears. i have yet to find a way that truly gets rid of the water. i don't like the idea of ear plugs. any ideas?




  1. Try swimear. It's a brand of stuff that really helps! I've been swimming since I was 2 and it always helped!!!

  2. hydrogen peroxide my medical teacher said it helps a lot

  3. bend your head and please slep your our other ear

  4. Easy way to water out is ,in the casec of the   left ear ,left ear parallel to the floor and jump on that hard floor, and on that time nock on your heads right side. do it fast.Repeat these steps on right ear.

  5. ive been swimming since i was three years old and ive found one and only one effective way of getting water out of you ears you have to shave you head sidde to side very quickly

    if it remains in get more water in your ears and try agian

  6. i started swimming daily, and i always get water in my ears. i have yet to find a way that truly gets rid of the water. i don't like the idea of ear plugs. any ideas

  7. hydrogen proxide, rubbing alcohol, and viniger. put in enough to fill your ear and leave in for about 30 to 45 seconds then drain it out. each one at a time. this has always gotten the water out of my ear after practice.

  8. ear plugs are great

  9. just close ur nose with 2 fingers(thumb n showing finger) and blow air ,then use ear buds

  10. Tap your ear(s) whilst leaning it/them horizontally.

    Water is very easy to move with vibration.

  11. look just wait OK i also use 2 have dis problem it waited 4    2 to 3 dayz i will come out on its on just don't sleep stright

  12. put some more water in ear n move u r head to drain water it would come out with togather

  13. A small amount of alcohol in the ear canal acts as a drying agent.

  14. clean ure ears wit que tips!!!----thats wat i do

    bang ure head on a pillow

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