
What's the best way to give the "s*x" talk to a 13 year old....and do i need to explain details?

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What's the best way to give the "s*x" talk to a 13 year old....and do i need to explain details?




  1. im 13 and i garentee you they already know about it

  2. she's still young, but it is a good idea to start talking now.

    just short and simple. tell her that she should not be having s*x at her age, but that she can come to you for anything.

  3. just tell her i she has questions about that then she can come to you. She needs to be intreseted in ti. That will come

  4. if she's 13 i think she knows everything about it but no need to be secretive tell her everything in details

  5. You don't. They are too young to be exposed to that.

  6. i actually had to give this talk to my 11 yr old son... i just told him the basics.. i didnt go into any details but i did explain about stds  

  7. dude we r in the 2000's

    he could have already done it

    i knew about s*x when i was 5

    (big brother showed me p**n) =)

  8. Tellhim what it does. How do do it right. Thats what i did to my son. All the details.

  9. 13? wow they probably now as much as you do for that age now a days lol

    I was around 6.

  10. audio/visual aides

  11. At 13 they probably already know the details unless they've spent the last 13 years under a rock.  So I would say cover topics like safe s*x, not being pressured into sleeping around, and answer any questions they might have.

  12. YOU DON'T !

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