
What's the best way to hide a signal?

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For people that have worked with detecting signals (e.g. RF, magnetics, acoustics, sonar, etc.) what is the best way to hide such signals?

It seems like there's an attempt to hide the signal of legitimate scientific information about AGW. Has anyone else detected it and if so, can you explain the relevance?






    fear and money grease the hinges to the gates to heaven.

    Fear is being funded by the governments of the world.

    Scientists spreading fear are getting RICH!!!

    Al Gore owns a carbon credit company while his own house uses more energy than a neighborhood.

    He justifies it by buying carbon credits from himself.

    Environmentalism is a religion and fear is the glue that binds all religions together.

    Sacred Mother EARTH

    Lets restore Human sacrifice to stop global warming!!!

    Humans are a cancer on the earth and earth needs to be rid of this cancer

  2. I am confused.  One the one hand you claim that the evidence is overwhelming, and on the other you claim that evidence that proves AGW is being hidden.  You are contradicting yourself.

  3. The answer is simple Human Nature we have a tendency to create conspiracy theories out of nothing or not want to believe new theories that have large amount of evidence  whether its old things like the Earth being the centre of the universe or the world is flat, even today people (only a few) still reject natural selection and try to claim rubbish like intelligent design is widely accepted (yeah right).

    The truth is (in spit of what appears in blogs) that there is little doubt in the scientific community (I’m in that community) that GW is happening. With sonar, the best way to hide is to sound like something natural, seismic noise, so it is with the anti GW movement, say you are a scientist when you aren’t or say you are a leader in the field when you have been an administrator for the last 10 years.

    If all else fails and you can't explain away rising Co2, rising sea level, melting glaciers, dying coral, increasing drought and increasing temp then rant about the size of all of Al Gores houses and how many private plane flights he takes.

  4. signal suppression - get rid of the unwanted signal all together - eliminate the giant peak that is blocking the smaller ones you want to see........

  5. John Sol provided one good example.  Another is if you've got white noise which has a higher amplitude than the signal you're looking for.

    In the global warming case, if the deniers are loud enough or ask enough 'questions' (i.e. asking 10 questions about winter in China), they can swamp out the signal (legitimate scientific questions) in the Environment section here.

    In John Sol's example, provide what appear to be legitimate opposing arguments from what appear to be legitimate scientists to the untrained eye.  For example, Tim Ball making the 'CO2 lags behind temperature' argument.  Someone who hasn't studied the science can't tell the difference between the real signal and the fake signal.

  6. Add noise, in this case outspending it (the earth has no money to spend on propaganda).  Here's a site that has traced the funding by just one of the companies involved, ExxonMobil:

    Create an equal and opposite (in magnitude) signal:

    Journalistic Balance as Global Warming Bias

    Creating controversy where science finds consensus

    "A new study has found that when it comes to U.S. media coverage of global warming , superficial balance—telling "both" sides of the story—can actually be a form of informational bias."

    I have noticed that whatever seems to come out on global warming, someone seems to come out with exactly the opposite claim, no matter how outlandish and poorly justified it may be.  The media puts the two side by side so they (seem to) effectively cancel each other out.

  7. amen.

  8. Ken - It's not that there's an attempt to hide scientific information, it's that there is very little scientific information that's objective.

    Global warming is only happening because the people who believe it's happening are seeing global warming around every corner - global warming is only happening because believers have convinced themselves that it is true.

    Global warming is equivalent to Jesus face on a toasted cheese sandwich.

  9. If the target of the signal is bomabarded with other signals on a similar frequency the signal containing the legit' scientific info is less likely to be picked up.

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