
What's the best way to hide your $ from Democrats and Obama?

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What's the best way to hide your $$ from Democrats and Obama?




  1. Vote for McCain.

  2. Why hide it from Obama he's trying to give you more, I'd hide it from McCain - rmember he voted AGAINST Bush tax cuts and in their new policies -

    The Tax Policy Center, a think tank run jointly by the Brookings Institution and the Urban Institute, concluded that Obama's plan would increase after-tax income for middle-income taxpayers by about 5 percent by 2012, or nearly $2,200 annually. McCain's plan, which cuts taxes across all income levels, would raise after tax-income for middle-income taxpayers by 3 percent, the center concluded

  3. Send your company overseas. You must be a CEO if you are Not worried about McCain taking your money.

  4. ask any billionaire .,  if liberals are supposed to make you poor then how many billionaires went bankrupt during the Clinton years? and why did Henry ford give his employees a raise to $5 an hour when every one around was make less than half that? did they turn around and by the very same cars they helped build? how many other billionaires can say the same,

  5. Give it to me!!!

    It'll keep it safe in Iraq!

  6. Stop being a smart ***! I don't want your money. I get by just fine thank you!

  7. oh you poor rich person.  

  8. In the back yard in mason jars..

    Or stock up on commdities for the coming hard times.

  9. Roth IRA.

  10. Open a offshore bank account in the Cayman Islands. I have!  

  11. Give it to me and I will make it disappear for you.

    You will never have to worry about it again.

  12. Give it to me - I'll keep it safe for you and then give it back to you in a future life so you can be rich from the day you are born. Past clients include Cindy McCain and the entire Walton family.

  13. Yeah, I know, at least for the last eight years you've been able to SEE your money being pissed away by so-called conservatives.

  14. By electing McCain and GOP members to Congress....

  15. Only accept cash as payment. Or better yet, Vote for McCain.

  16. I have a question too, whats the best way to dodge a future war that McCain starts if he gets in office?

  17. Michael Eisner (head of Disney) had his salary given to him for 5 years before Clinton took office.  Maybe you can work something like that out

  18. Two words: offshore accounts.

  19. Invest it in Wind and Solar power companies five years from now you'll have more than you do now

  20. You know where it got us the last time you believed the lies of George Bush.  

    Here's some advice.  When economists say that Obama's plan won't raise your taxes unless you make more than $250K a year, you should believe them.  When the same people who backed the lies that got us into Iraq tell you

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