
What's the best way to hit draw shots?

by Guest21369  |  earlier

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What's the best way to hit draw shots?




  1. This is often the hardest shot for me to execute....because I think and "feel" like I really have to hit it hard......also I tend to raise my "butt"(cue butt!!)........keep the stick level.......hit it just a little below center......hold it a little loose (butt)......but the biggest thing is that you really have to exaggerate your follow if the cue ball is at the headstring...and the object ball is down at the other end......your follow thru(the tip) should be all the way to the middle not jab it......just think about the stroke and follow you pull the cue back the cue ball should be following it....good luck!!!  #1 thing....."follow thru"!!!

  2. Straightshooter nailed it. Smooth, loose grip, level cue, and long follow through. If you make sure to follow those suggestions you often dont need to hit it as hard as you might think.

  3. Draws shots can be some of the most difficult shots to execute for some.  There are several key things that will help with draw shots.  First, keep your cue as level as possible.  Often, you'll see people try to elevate the butt of their cue to achieve draw.  This is completely wrong, as all they are doing is hitting the cue ball into the slate and bouncing it up.  You get very little draw this way and almost no cue ball control.  Second, you need to have a smooth stroke and follow through.  People have this tendency to jab at the ball and pull the cue back immediately because they are afraid the the cue ball will come back and cause them to commit a double-hit foul.  If your stroke mechanics are proper, then it's simply a matter of hitting your finish point.  Third, keep your grip loose.  Again, people tend to grip the cue tightly, to bring it back quickly when they fear the double-hit.  I see some people do this on nearly every shot.  Last, don't be afraid to hit low on the cue ball.  If your cue tip is the right curvature and is properly groomed (shaped and scuffed), you'll be surprised at how low you can get on the cue ball without miscueing.  Best of luck.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  4. Hold the cue level and hit the cueball with bottom english. Or left bottom english or  right bottom english depending on shot. The harder you strike the ball the more it will draw back.

  5. hit the cue bottom center and with a little jab but still stay down on your shot!

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