
What's the best way to improve your short game?

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What's the best way to improve your short game?




  1. It's about feel, you have to practice.

  2. Practice .........also at the course if you are with 1 or 2 others and not holding up play ........try different things . Like  putting from off the edge instead of chipping . Of course if the grass is not too thick  etc . . Running a chip instead of flying it all the way .practice those 5 footers  4 footers  3 footers  golfers p**s away a lot of strokes on those putts .

  3. What works for me is to first take the attitude that the shot is not only going to go close, but that you're going to do your best to have it go in -- and practice to do that.

    One of the best things a golf teacher told me was that if you work at getting it close, you'll get good at getting it close... If you try to get the ball in the hole, getting them close will take care of itself.

    So... practice a lot of putts at short ranges from different directions.  One way is like a clock face at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock from 3-5 feet.  Keep making shots from the different positions until you feel really confident at those distances.  You'll feel much more confident on the course if you know that you can nail putts at the shorter distances -- and not feel so anxious about longer putts, because you'll know you're going to get down in two putts.

    For chips, first be sure that you'll make solid contact with the ball by having a reliable setup, with more weight forward in your stance and the ball a little further back than normal (experiment with this).  Nothing destroys your confidence in chipping more than that feeling that you're going to chili-dip or blade the shot!

    After you're feeling good about contact, play some games chipping around the green, like chipping balls so that they land on a certain spot on the green before rolling on (rather to a hole) and develop a feel for the trajectory of the ball.  Try opening the clubface and chipping higher shots to this same landing spot, or changing the ball position a bit and chipping lower to the spot.  And watch how the roll changes.

    The more time you spend practicing this, the easier it will get -- and since you spend over 50% of your actual game time from 120 yards in, your scores will show it with practice!

  4. my short game used to suck,after practice it is now my strenght

  5. As they say, "practice makes perfect". There is no short cut to practice. For short games you do need to get the feel and experience of the various shots in your short game portfolios, such as from the greenside bunker, greenside rough, pitching from 50 yards and below, pitching over greenside bunkers, and most importanly the long & short putts. Even the pros practice their short games regularly.

  6. Yes agree. To improve your golf games, you need to practice more.  

    In addition, learn useful tips that can help you to improve your golf skills.

  7. Never take the same shot twice. Move around when you practice. You never get the same shot twice on the course. Start practicing with only one ball. It will help you concentrate on how important every stroke is.

  8. Practice does not make perfect.  PERFECT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!  Make sure your fundamentals are solid by checking with your local pro or someone that you trust(A LOT) in regards to the golf swing.  Practicing bad technique only leads to ingraining bad technique in your game.

  9. i am 13 and have a 9 handicap but am amazing putter hit shot from 4 0r 5 feet and make 10 in a row and then move back a foot kepp making 10 in a row if you do this you are for sure going to gain stregth over the long run

  10. Just practice. go to the chipping and putting greens at your course and practice a bunch of different shots, like hitting it high or running the ball. My high school coach used to make us hit balls from three different spots and we had to make 3 in the hole before we could move to the next one. That gets you good quick and gives you the mentality go actually try to make it in the hole instead of just trying to hit it close.

  11. Yes practise and play lots more.

  12. put about 30-50 balls about 15 yards off the green and hit them until you can constantly get them into a circle you make in your mind like a 10ft radius around the pin give it a shot and then do it from the bunker i do it all the time , my game has improved 75-80% short game now i shoot 77-79 average,but iv'e been golfing for 40 years now

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