
What's the best way to keep hair healthy?

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I'm a guy and I want to grow my hair long. Long enough to put in a ponytail. I want to know how I can keep my hair 100% healthy as it's growing so it doesn't look like a big mess once it's long. Right now my hair is pretty short, about an inch or two long and wavy.

(I think I care about my hair more than most guys do lol)




  1. Keep up with regular trims. Most boys trying to grow their hair think they don't need to trim their ends, but what happens is as it grows your ends dry out and break off, making it seem like its not growing. Get a trim maybe once every 6-8 weeks to grow it the healthiest.

  2. Good hygiene is important for healthy hair. This includes brushing the hair properly and washing it with a mild shampoo. Good nutrition (a well - balanced diet of fresh foods and lots of water) not only helps one to have beautiful - looking hair but also improves it's texture.

    Wash your hair daily or every other day. The extra circulation provided by the shampoo /message stimulates the oil glands to work more efficiently and brings natural oils into the hair. This applies to all types of hair.

    Use shampoo that is pH balanced and that is designed specially for you hair type (dry, oily, etc.). Ask your hair specialist to assist you in selecting the right shampoo for your hair type. Always rinse with cool (not hot) clean water for extra shine. Allow your hair to air dry naturally whenever possible. Never brush soaking - wet hair, as the hair is quite elastic at this time and can be pulled and stretched to the breaking point. A wide - toothed comb is best for wet hair.  

    Give your hair a good brushing before bed. This should be done by bending forward from the waist, head down, brushing from the back to front. Brush at least fifty to one hundred strokes. This will help remove dirt, pollutants and damaging particles from the hair in addition to stimulate circulation which will increase natural oils for added sheen and oxygen to the hair and scalp.  

    Once a week massage jojoba oil with one to two drops of rosemary oil for dry or oily hair and tea tree for hair that show signs of dandruff into the scalp. Leave on over night, wash out the next day.


  3. massage your scalp at least once a day - eat a wide variety of proteins (like nuts, soy, beans, seafood etc) - drinks lots of water - experiment with different 2 in 1s shampoo plus conditioner and see which works best for you (like Dove, Loreal or Pantene ProV) - and if you can go to professional hair person every 2 or 3 months and have them do your hair letting them know what your hair goals are -  

  4. My hair is long enough to put in a ponytail, (a short one, albeit), but I get a lot of compliments on it, the main thing I can recommend is use a good shampoo (I use Herbal Essences, yeah I know it's a girl's shampoo but it's great), and I drink a TON of water. (water keeps your hair looking healthy). I don't use a conditioner because it makes it look too oily.

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