
What's the best way to kill fleas in my yard?

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what's the best way to kill fleas in my yard?




  1. they have the bottle of spray that you hook up to your water hose at the petstore, you just spray it all over the yard

  2. diachotemous earth.

    I'm spelling it wrong...but it will work.

    Also if you just treat your pets with frontline plus each month you'll get rid of thm in your house without having to treat the yard.

  3. seven dust.  its a powder that you sprinkle.  its not harmful to animals or plants and it works really great.  you can even put it directly on your dogs.

  4. Sevin Dust is one of the worst options to choose..It is one of the main pesticides that have killed off alot of the nations bees that we need to pollinate our crops with....Carbryl..yuk...Read this will change your mind about 7 dust..I personally use in my yard spectracide brand triacicide that attaches right to my garden hose and dispenses is a picture..then a link to my yard and garden..

    sevin dust on bees link..

    What I use to conttrol fleas and ticks..

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