
What's the best way to learn a language?

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What's the best way to learn a language?




  1. well you can buyu books and videos and cassettes and dvds and practice every day. that's one way. or you can go somewhere where that's all the people speak and learn that way. or try a mix of both. anyways, being around the language, being with it, one way or another, everyday for long periods of time, is sure fire.

  2. Getting dumped in the language and culture, without

    anyone you're dealing with knowing English.

  3. Be born to a mother who speaks that language--that will be your "mother tongue."   Grow up hearing that language.  After 1 year, you should be able to say the equivalents of "mama" and "daddy."   After two years, you should be able to say a complete sentence, including the word "No."   After 15 years, you should be able to say, "Hey, man, watsup?"   And, after 25, you should be able to speak literate and coherent paragraphs.

  4. Watch alot of movies, hear alot of music.....

    For me these are the best ways to learn a music. They are much better than the formal studying.

    Haa....and IM alot too.  ;)

    All the luck!

  5. The best way is an immersive and intense training in a country that specialized in the language.  In the case of say.. Arabic, you'd have different dialects and want to pick where you went.. based on the resulting dialect you will speak.

    If you go to Egypt you will speak a slangier and less eloquent Arabic that will be understood (but looked down apon) by most other Arab speaking persons. However if you go to Riyadh or Damascus you will sound too formal for some.. and only be understood by those that speak Arabic in that manner (by understood. I mean, word for word.. you will be able to communicate with millions of people).

    Otherwise the best way, I am told, is the Rosetta Stone products.  Those are the opposite of living in Jordan and studying the language.. they can be done at home.  

    In between would be a local University.

  6. By using and listening to it.

  7. I suggest you check this website There, not only you can you download audio books with accompanying texts, but also you will be able to learn Chinese face to face with Beijing teachers and practice with volunteers, which makes it easier and faster to learn Chinese. I hope you make progress everyday in learn Chinese.

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