
What's the best way to lure and catch Black Bear Cubs?

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What's the best way to lure and catch Black Bear Cubs?




  1. First, get your will in order, then be sure to film it for youtube. Your Darwin award awaits.

  2. Black bear cubs love candy.  Hopefully, if you do try to catch a bear cub, you either get mauled my the mother, or you get reported for taking an animal out of the wild and keeping it, have fun with that.  PS LEAVE THE BEARS ALONE, are you stupid?

  3. The best way is to check with your local psychiatrist first. What are you crazy? Mama would rip you apart then c**p on your remains if she caught wind of you going near her cubs.

  4. That is pretty much impossible even if you did lure the cubs in and went to catching them it would not last long when the first cub started screaming mama Bear would be all over you like white on rice.

  5. your gonna need some financial resources . . . . first off you need to build a cage similar to that of a jail cell but only smaller.  Next , your gonna need a barrel or stock trough full of fresh fish and a few smelly dead fish to lure 'em in.  Your also going to need a suit of armor to prevent you from injury . . . you'll need to run  up and close the cage door and there is a chance you might have to face the mama bear. I suspect that you get the picture . . . .  

    . . . . by now you are probably thinking this is preposturous?

    rightfully so . . . .  but then again so is your idea of trapping a bear cub . . . . .ha ha ha . . . . . gotcha

  6. Cover your pecks with honey and try to suckle them... make sure you have a video camera that someone can find so we may all enjoy your stupidity!

  7. Forget about it.* It is against the Game Laws and illegal, besides that it could get you terminated.*

  8. You wouldn't be able to. Why? Where there are cubs, Mama bear is right behind them. You wouldn't get close enough. She would smell and see you before you saw her and chances are, she would would rip you apart.

  9. That is a really dumb idea.  Even the cubs might bite you, never mind the mama bear.  If you survive that, you will probably just end up in the slammer.  

  10. The answer is garbage in a tube trap. You may want to check the laws in you area and remember mommy will tear your butt up for messing with her baby.  

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