
What's the best way to play???

by  |  earlier

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what's your best way to play roulette in Vegas or anywhere??? I recently went to vegas and through my whole stay there I only played roulette and over all I won about $4,000 but kept playing and left with about $2,000, all with just $200 out of my own money. The way I was playing was, I would wait for a good time to place my bet. For exmaple I was only playing red or black, I wouldn't play the inside bets. I would wait for a good streak of either red or black and then place my bet on the opposite color. I would play $100 dollar bet on either red or black at one point I would even play $500 on red or black and won, that was very exciting. My question to you is what is your best way to play or do you have any better tips????




  1. There's no real system really - for example I was at a casino for the first time ever and put a chip on a split (32/29) and won twice in a row with number 32.... sheer luck !

    Your red/black idea is about the best but is not a guaranteed win.

    Good Luck!

  2. dont risk money!!!

  3. The best way to play is to have fun.  Enjoy the money because the odds are against you.

  4. Playing red or black you can guarantee a win if you have a big enough bankroll.

    If you put say £10 on black and it loses, you then double your bet. So next roll you bet £20 - if you win you have £40 pount in your pocket and only bet £30. If you lose you just double you bet again and bet £40 - if it wins you have £80 pound for a total outlay of £70 etc etc

    The only way you can lose is if your bank roll runs out before you hit the winning colour. If you have 6 losing spins you will have spent 10+20+40+80+160+320= £630

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