
What's the best way to politely decline to handshake?

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I hate shaking hands with people....I do it because it's expected obviously, but would prefer not to.

So far I have not found a way to refuse a hand shake without offending people or putting them off.

Any suggestions or am I pretty much stuck with having to perform this outdated custom for greeting people?

(Moving to Japan or whatever is out of the question) lol




  1. sneeze or cough into your hands and maybe they'll get the picture

  2. You haven't found a way because there isn't a way to politely refuse a handshake. You can tell a lot by a handshake. So by refusing one you are sending a weird message.

  3. I'm stuck having to shake hands and I'm not a fan, either. However, when I can I tell people I'm getting over a cold and I don't want to risk spreading germs. I've still gotten looks, but unless they're a CEO I usually don't give a rat's patooty.  I do carry hand sanitizer with me most of the time, too.

  4. You could pick your nose as you are being introduced or simply have your hands full holding something.  Maybe wear gloves all the time?

  5. The best way to deal with this problem is to get over yourself and shake hands with those who would condescend to offer.

  6. cover your mouth with your hand and cough lightly and then tell them you're sorry, you don't want to spread germs.

  7. You don't have to be Asian to bow. Just bow first and learn some kind of greeting in Japanese.

  8. Possibly a couple of light pats on someones upper arm would suffice.

  9. I'll accept an open mouth kiss with your hands tangled in my hair

  10. I'm the same way.  I usually say something like, "I'm sorry, but I've been coughing and sneezing all day, and I'm pretty germy."  Something that says you're not shaking hands because you're a nice person who doesn't want to contaminate every one around you.

  11. Smear your hands with a thin pungent layer of dog sh*t.

  12. Having thought about this for at least a minute, it would appear that there is no solution to your problem.  

    You didn't explain why the handshake is so offensive to you, and that would have been interesting and possibly helpful.  But I can't think of a way to decline without offending.  Refusing a hand is tantamount to turning your back.

    I don't think this is an outdated custom anymore than chewing with your mouth closed or giving your seat to a pregnant lady on the train.  I am a woman and I even offer my hand on occasion.  It is a polite and respectful greeting.

    think about your reasons for finding it offensive and try to problem solve from that standpoint.

  13. It's a gesture of goodwill and greetings. If your a man and you refuse a handshake, that says to me you can't be trusted or respected.

    Seriously, what's the big deal?

  14. Hate to tell you this but there is no nice way to refuse a hand shake.

    Just suck it up and carry a bottle of hand sanitizer. I myself dis-like shaking hands but I do it because refusing to may offend someone.

    After I get it over with I discreetly use the hand sanitizer.

  15. I have no problem with shaking hands.  However, when I'm sick I usually tell the person that I'm sick and don't want to spread germs.  You could use that with people you don't see often. . .

  16. There is no way to "politely" refuse a handshake because the refusal itself is inherently impolite.  I have a thing about shaking hands too, and I understand you not wanting to do so (there are some pretty unsanitary people out there), but you can really harm your personal and professional relationships by refusing.  Instead, I carry a little bottle of hand sanitizer and use it after shaking hands with someone (making sure they can't see it).

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