
What's the best way to present a programme on child abuse with 40 minutes?

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What's the best way to present a programme on child abuse with 40 minutes?




  1. uhm question? is this like a video.... or a presentation with powerpoint? or Something else? am a bit confused....? I really would like to help?

  2. It depends on your audience.  If you are presenting to kids, then giving some basic facts, reading a story, or showing a short video would help.  Teenagers like something a bit more interactive, perhaps doing role-play or some art activities.  I've given a presentation to teens where I had the beginning of an image on a page (like the profile of a face screaming) and the students finished the drawing as I did my presentation.  Then the drawings were put up in the hallway to raise awareness.  Parents or adults will want relevant and up to the minute stats, but will also enjoy a video and a good discussion on what local people can do to tackle this problem.

  3. openly an honestly.i was abused noone showed us things to educate us so any help u provide is perfect

  4. I would be really interested in seeing your programme because I am interested in this topic.

    I think you should be thorough and informative: talk about different types of child abuse: physical, sexual, and emotional/verbal abuse. Talk about the causes, what each entails, the effects, short term and long term, that it can have on those affected. The problems that these children have, in childhood, as a teenager, and as an adult. What can be done to prevent it, what a person can do to heal & start to be okay again after this has happened to them.

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