
What's the best way to relieve stress while babysitting?

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I babysit and am trying my best to not be stressed, but kids are very testy and they do not like to listen. I watch a 2 year old and a 6 year old. the 6 year old boy plays games all day on hubby's xbox but the little girl stays in the living room with me and my 9 month old. I often have a hard time trying to get her to listen when I tell her to do something. Her mom warned me beforehand that I must be firm with her kids. Now she has even given me permission to give her daughter a pow pow (spanking) if she misbehaves. Even then she still does not listen. Any suggestions from any babysitting experts or people that have tons of experience with kids? can't stand having tension stress.




  1. IGNORE HER , then she'll she that her trying to misbehave isn't working . or maybe give her a timeouttt . you should watch " super nanny" , its a show with a familly of misbehaving kidss & they hire a professional nanny to  help out & at the end the techniques always workk , or maybe even make her watch it with you & she can she what shes doing.

    if you wannah watch it , its on wendsdays on ABC ( CHANNEL 5) AT 9:00PM I BELIEVE :)


    **oh i thought of another one ,  try to talk to her about somthing she like to interest herrr & she'll quiet down **

  2. Make  rules  of  game  times as to  avoid  too much of  one  thing.  Has  mother  noticed  any  hyper  or  ADD  possible  food  related?   Put on  music, something  you like  or  children  sing  along.  (To  make  a  more  calming  atmosphere)  avoid  stressful  TV  shows  and  kiddie  shows  can  get irritating  when  on too  much.  Maybe  introduce  a  craft,  plant  seeds in  a  pot, water color  paint,  make  play dough and  color  with  food  die., Give  her  a  area  that  is  hers  for her  things.  She  may  just  be  not  adjusted  to  being  left  at  sitter. ASK  mom  what  she  likes  best  to  do at  home.   Keep  saying  IM  sorry  your  not  happy,  this  is  your  area  to play.  Do  not  (whatever) Hope it  gets  better

  3. Keep them busy, and wear them out.  It will be a fun way to challenge them.  Go for walks outdoors; this wears kids out.  Then, when they are tired.  Put them down for a nap.  Then, you can have private time.

  4. If I was you I would plan activities for them. Plan out a day full of stuff to keep them busy. They probably are bored and playing games all day can't be good for the 6 yr old. My kids get very behavioral when inside all day. Why does the mom not want them outside? That is very odd.

  5. Get down to eye level w/ the kids and talk to them in a serious, firm voice.  I know it might be bad, but its ok to bribe them sometimes.  It actual works for me, half the time.  Good luck!

  6. Kids get bored really easy so you have to find things for them to do. Find some cool art things for them to do. Go outside and let them play. Keep there minds busy so they are not bugging you. Be patient. Every kid is different so find out what they like to do the most and work with that for starters!!!

  7. use headset to listen to the musics and read a book , :d it can make you free from the time

  8. most girls like drawing or modeling with clay dough try to make her do some activities i think she is just bored or not used to u or try to know from her mom what she likes to do. any way kids like to go out i dont know why the mother says no best of luck.

  9. 1. You need to make a list of rules for the children to follow and the consequences for not abiding by one of the rules. Go over the rules with the kids each day when they arrive.

    2. Set up a reward system. For instance if they are good all day, they get a sticker. Once they get 5 stickers, they get a prize.

    3. Can you take them somewhere like a children's museum or something?

    4. Tell the mother that if you are watching her kids, you will take them outside. They need fresh air and to burn off energy. If she says no, tell her that she can take her kids elsewhere.

  10. I work in a portrait studio and I babysit; I find that when I'm working with kids I have to remain calm. You have to keep your emotions under control. When I ask a little one do something I get down on their level and I get their attention and make them look at me so that I know they're listening to what I'm saying. I make sure to keep my voice controlled so that they don't see how stressed I am, so I try to keep my voice from sounding harsh. If they don't listen I let them know a treat will be taken away.

    I guess my advice at the core of it is try to stay calm and in controll of yourself so that the little one doesn't think she can get away with everything, and it's really not a matter of control, it's a matter of respect. I hope this helps you at least a little.

  11. Ask the mother for tips on ways she gets the child to listen. Exp: I'll tell your father.  Or even rewards if that is what she responds to.

  12. I can tell you exactly wht the problem is... the kids are restless and bored. Kids that age need to run off energy.

    a six year old should not sit and play games all day (even if he wants too) and a 2 year old has more enrgy than she knows what to do with!

    Is there a playground nearby or a yard to play in? i suggest outdoor activities... chase bubbles with the 2 year old, play ball with them both, put the little one in a stroller and walk around the neighborhood.

    I promise if these kids let out some energy, they will behave much better!!! plus you can bribe the little one.  "If you pick up your toys, we can go outside" or if you throw that again, no bubbles".

    plus the fresh air does wonders for your stress level.

    if you can go outside, then play games inside. Hide and seek, bulid a fort, or something.

  13. Watching kids can be stressful.  Write down some simple, clear cut rules for the kids and go over the rules with them.  Tell them what you expect and the consequences for when they don't follow the rules.  Then be consistent.  That way the kids will KNOW what you expect and not be surprised by the consequences when they don't follow the rules.  I used this tactic as a teacher in grade school and it worked beautifully.  I was a librarian (for pre-K through 6th grade) and rarely had behavioral issues in my classes.  As for the mother allowing you to spank her child...well, I am shocked.  I won't even allow my relatives spank my child, let alone a babysitter.  Personally if I were you I wouldn't.   Just my opinion.

  14. Stop babysitting them. If you're already spanking them and are so stressed out, you may wind up doing something abusive. Money is not worth what you may wind up doing.

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