
What's the best way to remove odor from a garbage disposal?

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What's the best way to remove odor from a garbage disposal?




  1. Try filling that sink with water and add bleach to it. Then run the disposal . That should help. You may have to do it several times. There should be a cover for the garbage disposal side of your sink. Keeping it clean and covered should end your odor problem.

  2. If you are looking for natural remedies, I would first run several pots of boiling water down the drain to loosen any grease or other debris, then use lemon peels, bleach, or vinegar down the drain while the disposer is running.  

  3. lemon

  4. throw in a half of a lemon and run that through

  5. Slice up some oranges, lemons or limes and toss them into the disposal. Let some cold water run into disposal for a few seconds and then run the disposal for about 30 seconds. It's always worked for me.  

  6.   BAKING SODA ! take the box that's in your refridgerator and pour down the garbage disposal .  Turn on the water  and turn on the disposal. Goodby odor.. ( what ... you say  you don't have an open box of Baking Soda in your fridge to keep the odors away?)

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