
What's the best way to save car gas?

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What's the best way to save car gas?




  1. Keep it in tune, keep tires aired up, and keep the correct temp thermostat in it.

  2. Well here are a few great tips...

    1. don't let your car idle  for more then 5 minutes you use to much gas. it is a lie when people say they use more gas starting a car  then letting it idle.

    2. slow down 55 is a great speed and it saves your gas a ton! so instead of 70 do 55

    The next is a copy and paste from an e-mail


    I've been in petroleum pipeline business for about 31 years, currently

    >working for the Kinder-Morgan Pipeline here in San Jose, CA.  We

    >deliver about 4 million gallons in a 24-hour period from the pipe line;

    >one day it's diesel, the next day it's jet fuel and gasoline.  We have

    >34 storage tanks here with a total capacity of 16,800,000 gallons.


    >Here are some tricks to help you get your money's worth:


    >1. Fill up your car or  truck in the morning when the temperature is

    >still cool.   Remember that all service stations have their storage

    >tanks buried below ground; and the colder the ground, the denser the

    >gasoline. When it gets warmer gasoline expands, so if you're filling up

    >in the afternoon or in the evening, what should be a gallon is not

    >exactly a gallon.  In the petroleum business, the specific

    >gravity and temperature of the fuel (gasoline, diesel, jet fuel,

    >ethanol and other petroleum products) are significant. Every truckload

    >that we load is temperature-compensated so that the indicated gallon age

    >is actually the amount pumped.  A one-degree rise in temperature is a

    >big deal for businesses, but service stations don't have temperature

    >compensation at their pumps.


    >2. If a tanker truck is  filling the station's tank at the time you

    >want to buy gas, do not fill up;  most likely dirt and sludge in the

    >tank is being stirred up when gas is being delivered, and you might be

    >transferring that dirt from the bottom of their tank into your car's



    >3. Fill up when your gas tank is half-full (or half-empty),  because

    >the more gas you have in your tank the less air there is and gasoline

    >evaporates rapidly, especially when it's  warm.  (Gasoline storage

    >tanks have an internal floating 'roof' membrane to act as

    >a barrier between the gas and the atmosphere, thereby minimizing



    >4. If you look at the  trigger you'll see that it has three delivery

    >settings: slow, medium and  high. When you're filling up do not squeeze

    >the trigger of the nozzle to the high setting.  You should be pumping

    >at the slow setting, thereby minimizing vapors

    >created while you are pumping.  Hoses at the pump are corrugated; the

    >corrugations  act as a return path for vapor recovery from gas that

    >already has been metered.  If you are pumping at the high setting, the

    >agitated gasoline contains more vapor, which is being sucked back into

    >the underground tank, so you're getting less gas for your money.


    >Hope this will help ease your 'pain at the pump'.

  3. Have it tuned up have proper air pressure in the tires, check the air filter to determine if it needs to be replaced.

  4. don't floor board it, try and not run the a/c when it's only super hot out

    kinda like common sense ;)

  5. walk, ride a bike, car pool, use public transportation if possible

  6. dont drive

  7. Cars get better mileage on the highway than on city streets because they're not constantly having to stop and then accelerate again.  So, in town, if you see yourself approaching a red light in the distance, try to slow down just enough that it turns green again before you get there, so you won't have to come to a complete stop.  Beyond that, the main thing is to discipline your right foot.  Remember why it's called the gas pedal.  So try not to push too hard or suddenly.

    And if you're going up a long uphill stretch in a 4 cylinder car like my Saturn, don't push too hard (and don't let your cruise control push too hard, if you have it on) to try and maintain the same speed uphill in high gear that you would go on level ground or downhill.  This also means turn off your cruise control going uphill if you have it on.  Just because the speed limit is 65 or 70 or whatever doesn't mean you constantly have to go that fast or more.  Remember you're fighting gravity in addition to wind resistance.  Other drivers might pass you and/or get annoyed, but they're not paying for your gas, are they?  You are.  Although if you find yourself slowing to 50 or less and everyone else is going 60 or more, then shift to a lower gear (or turn off the overdrive on an automatic transmission) and you'll have more power to maintain a safer speed uphill without having to push harder on the gas.  Don't be afraid of the louder noise your engine is making at higher revs; that's just how these smaller engines are designed.  Bigger cars with bigger engines can generally carry more weight uphill at a given speed without pushing as hard or revving as high (and the newest 6-cylinder models claim to get 30 mpg on the highway, just like older 4-cylinder ones), so that's something to think about the next time you're shopping for a car, if you have to go uphill often.

    Anyway, I stress again, remember why it's called the gas pedal.  The power to save gas is literally right there under your right foot.  And remember you're the one paying for your gas, not the other drivers on the road who might want you to accelerate faster from a stop or maintain a higher speed going uphill.

  8. make sure the plugs are changed  regular , and dont put your foot down all the way on the gas every time you take off

  9. get a horse

  10. Steal it from your neighbor

  11. you mean get better mileage? check the air pressure in the tires. do not make rabbit starts. make sure your air filter is clean. do not keep a lot of excess weight in your vehicle. Keep your outside of the vehicle clean ... just a few ways

  12. Peddle Bike

  13. Keep the car parked in the garage and take the bus.


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