
What's the best way to secure your motorcycle when leaving it parked?

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Whats the best and most inexpensive way to secure your motorcycle when leaving it parked? A U-lock or a cable, etc? Keep in mind I live in Detroit so I want to buy something that is pretty fool proof and yet not too expensive. If it matters I have a Ninja 250.




  1. they sell at motorcycle shops a disc lock that does on your brake caliber for around 30 bucks and u can go up to 50 bucks and does the same thing but also has a internal loud alarm if the bike is moved

  2. look at your front disc brake, buy a lock that goes thru the holes.

  3. Chain it to something solid.

    You might want to consider insurance.

  4. there's an alarmed lock for motorcycles called a Xena. IT is a rotor lock that arms when locked to your rotor if it is moved a sensor sets the alarm off.  Their pretty inexpernsive and small enough to take anywhere.

  5. i repeat

    a chain

    put a small block of wood under the brake peddle linkage to lock it rear brake

    put a half used box of 30-30 rifle amo on the seat

    would you fool with my bike if you seen i had used half the box of amo

  6. Some sort of chain (or cable).


    Don't worry too much.  Ninja 250 are not hot on the thieves list.  If they are going to steal a bike, they would steal something that cost much more (for the same work).  A simple chain would do well.

    Good Luck...

  7. When you bike gets stolen, they won't mess with brake locks and Kryptonite locks, they'll pick it up and put it in the back of a van or truck.  It's very easy to do and takes less than 10 seconds.  Any locks that may be on the bike will be removed in a safe location where they can take a few minutes to do it.  For example, Kryptonite locks can be broken with a can of freon and a refill hose.  Cut the fitting off the hose, install on can, open can and let the freon run out on the lock.  In 2-3 minutes, the lock will be so brittle you can split it with a chisel and hammer.

    What's my point?  Get a cable to attach the bike to something permanent, at least it makes them work for it.  Spend the money on Lojack, it will notify you when somebody messes with it and it'll give the cops the location of your bike when it gets stolen.

  8. A Cobra chain and an old lady with a 12 Ga.

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