I took my horse out riding east of my house. He never cared too much for going that way & he wasn't too sure of it, but went without issue. The trip east was cut short as he came within 2 feet of stepping on a skunk in the ditch. So we went south from there. There's a prarie trail thru the fields south of my place. Last summer he turned around in the road at that drive, took me home & the ride was done. Well, guess what. We get to that same spot & for some reason he turned to head home! I'd turn him back south, he'd throw his head & go north again. Eventually he wouldnt obey commands AT ALL & just went back to our yard where he seemed to think I'd jump off. I stuck with him instead & stayed on his back & continued trying to work with him but he just kept throwing his head! I know it's not his teeth or tack. I find it odd that it's the same spot as a yr back. He'll walk past there if I lead him, but not while riding him. What can I do to correct this?
Please & thank you!