
What's the best way to stop being lazy once school starts?

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I've had a very lazy summer, and It seems hard to get back and focused. Any tips?




  1. maybe start exercising and reading books to get you in the swing of things! :)

  2. This has always worked for me...I write down a "to-do" list, once I accomplish the first task, I reward myself, then onto the next task.  Have a test to study for?  Study for a bit then go out with friends for pizza or something, then go back to studying.  It may seem simple but it works, at least for me, lol.  For instance after I work out at the gym, I treat myself, whether it be an icecream, a new book, earrings, u get the idea.  It makes it not so horrible when u know something better is waiting for u afterwards.  Plus, I try to do the worst thing first so u know it's smooth sailing after that.  It also helps to get into a routine.  Good luck

  3. find the most attractive guy/girl in your class.  And try to get laid.

  4. What are the prospects of a bad education, minimum wage for the rest of your life. Procrastination = Alienation. You choose.

  5. dont worry you will have lots of homework so i guess you wont be lazy anymore :)

    i need to get over my laziness too lol


  6. jog everyday after school.. hang with friends

  7. Try orgnizing your day and plan out what you need to get done that day. Try to do all your work first before you get around to hanging out or something. Also, try working on your assignments as soon as you get it so you won't have to worry about last minute stuff :] It would be a good idea to get a planner and folders to keep track of you stuff :D lol DON'T PROCRASTINATE. You will only dig yourself a deeper hole! Good luck!

  8. well once school starts you will be too occupied doing school work and going out with your friends, that you will forget about laziness

    btw, try signing up to the soccer or some sport team offered at your school=]

  9. Just concentrate on the task ahead and have breaks form your work by doing something that you enjoy, maybe join an activity then opnce finihsed go back to working hard

  10. I have, too, and I'm a teacher! It all comes into focus when school starts. Actually, it feels good to get back into a more disciplined life when school begins, doesn't it?!

  11. Been there, give it some time  

  12. crack cocaine or speed

    good luck

  13. Ha! Make a goal like 'today I'll finish so-and-so homework' or timetable things. Honestly, I made a timetable once and it didn't work. I just learned how to use self-control. Discipline. Stuff like that. ;)

  14. get focused. have a goal

  15. This is a letter from yourself in the future:

    Dear past-self,

    If you don't do well in school now, you won't get good grades, and you probably won't know enough to score well on standardized test, which means you won't get into good schools, and won't get the best education, won't get the best oppourtunities, and won't get to meet the best and most powerful people that can eventually give you a life beyond your dreams. It may not be nice to hear, but history repeatedly show that well-prepared people when put together can change the world and are immortilzed in our societies mind.

    There are many students who just choose tv or whatever to be lazy - they are lost forever. they might as well not have existed.

    For Gods sakes, your young! You have a chance to make something of yourself. If you don't you will only look back on this time with regret - as most people do.

    Also - try to find why you are stuyding the things your are studying. Every subject has i's followers? Fnd out what those people found to be so important in the subject. Find that thing, that point of view, that blew their minds away.

    Also better to get this over with now, when it is graded and recorded on paper- cuz if not now, you will go through it later, but it will count for nothing but a personal endeavor.

    Be you later,

    Your future-self

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