A lifetime dream for me has recently been fulfilled when I was taken on by a production company to do narration voice-over work. I'm 'middle-aged' and by this time thought such a career was no longer in the cards for me, since I don't live in a large metro area. At any rate, I am very concerned about how to maintain my voice, because even after talking on the phone for a long time today, it really hurts and I sound a little raspy. I'm concerned that I may not even be using my voice correctly (i.e., from my diapraghm as opposed to my throat). A few years ago, a local sportscaster had to leave his job because over a year or so his voice became so strained and hard to listen to. He almost lost his voice completely.Turned out, after he came back to the job months later and told his story, he'd been using his voice wrong his whole life without knowing it, and it took a long time with a coach for him to retrain it. Any advice from singers, reporters, or people who talk a lot for a living?