
What's the best way to teach yourself how to play the piano?

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I have a 61 key Casio keyboard, which only plays in MIDI. It isn't touch sensitive, either (not sure if that matters). I was wondering what the best way would be to teach myself how to play. I'm not looking to just play a few songs here and there on the holidays, I want to KNOW the piano inside and out, but I can't afford to pay for lessons...or for anything, really. I'm looking to learn via the internet. If anyone could give me advice on how to teach myself, that would be great.





  1. First of all, you need to be able to read music. There are books that help you do that. Learn the names of each key, and the location of each key on the piano. Then buy books suitable for beginners. Have a go at some! Hope this helps!

  2. If you really want to play well ie. inside out then a piano is necessary or a keyboard with 88 weighted keys and as there is alot involved in weight transference of the fingers and muscle memory. With 61 keys your repetoire will be very limited in the long run, but to start out is o.k. Any childrens book from a music store will be fine to start with such as John Thompson, also get a book on exercises and scales, there is one by Charles L.Hanon called "The Virtuoso Pianist" which is perfect. You have to be willing to put in scales and exercises just like an athlete, they train 7 days a week for hours yet race for less than a minute.  

  3. buy a piano

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