
What's the best way to tell if ice is thick enough to walk on?

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What's the best way to tell if ice is thick enough to walk on?




  1. Drill a hole in it. See how thick it is. If it's around 10 in. then I would think it would be strong enough. Depends on your weight though.

  2. Ask someone you don't like to cross the ice.

  3. Walk on it.  If you fall through, it's not thick enough.

    No,  it should be at least 3 inches thick to be safe to walk on.  If the temperature is below freezing constantly (not going above 32 during the day) for 10 days, then it will be three inches thick.  (this is for a stationary pond or lake).

    I should add that the water shouldn't have a heat source, like run off from a drain, that will keep the water from freezing completely.

  4. drill a hole into it, the ice should be about 6 inches thick and be foggy ( if its clear it still has some freezing to do.)

  5. I'll start by saying don't do it, people die falling through ice all of the time. However, if you are thinking of doing it to go skating in an accepted and safe spot for doing it then....

    To walk on ice, it should be at least 3" thick. Avoid the areas that look darker, these are likely to be a thin spot/ hole. Look at the temperatures for the area you are in and see if they are likely to cause decent ice. If there are some thin patches, presume it is not safe in the area at all.

    I'll end by saying...

    Always tell people where you are going, don't go alone on ice. I wouldn't recommend it at all, but IF you are going to walk on ice, think safety, it is extremely dangerous.

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