
What's the best way to tell my dad that i don't want to live with him anymore?

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I'm 14, live in Arizona, and want to live with my mom full time. I don't really feel at home when I'm at my dad's. I am always comfortable and happy with my mom. At my dad's there are 3 little brothers. I love them, but i really can't stand it anymore. There is always yelling, screaming and fighting. Not just them, but my dad also. I personally believe that the yelling and threats that my dad deals out are verbal abuse. My step mom just stands there/says the same sort of stuff as if shes trying to "impress" my dad. I don't have anything in common with any of them and I'm sick of having to go there half of every week. I was hoping for some advice as how to tell my dad the way i feel and how to deal with it all.

Thank You,




  1. Have you tried relaying your feelings to your mom.  If you feel uncomfortable talking to your dad, maybe you can have your step-mom or another adult that you trust be a mediator. If you do decide to talk to him, relax and explain your feelings plainly.  Express your concerns about the current living situation and what you feel you and he need to change for the well-being of the entire house.

    Best of luck

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