
What's the best way to use coupons?

by Guest61063  |  earlier

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I heard about a woman, that bought a whole $150 worth of groceries and she used nothing but coupons, how did she do it?




  1. to buy things

  2. coupons usually offer a rebate, not a freebie... are you sure she wasn't using food stamps?

  3. Take all your coupons to Super WalMart. THey accept every coupon, even if it is from another grocery store. The lady that bought  150 woth of groceries, i dunno.

  4. Oh im a BIG coupon saver. Just cut them out of newspapers and get them off the internet. Go to and type in good coupons or whatever you think will bring up good websites. Any search engine will help u find them. Just make sure you redeem the coupons before they expire! They really do save a TON of money!

  5. I dont know. I am an avid coupon clipper and use them all the time the best I ever did was buy $250 worth of groceries for $78. I dont know how you go about not spending any money since most coupons are for cents off not the whole price.

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