
What's the best website for free advertising?

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I have a Tupperware Fundraising website, and want to know what's the best way to advertise without putting out a lot of money:

Organization earns 40% of total sales

Anyone have suggestions for what's worked best for them?






  1. I absolutely guarentee this will work for you. So much so that if you're not 100% happy you'll get a 100% refund - no questions asked.

  2. Advertise your website on free classifieds, relevant forums and social networking websites. Monitor the response you get periodically to find out what works best. From

  3. Hi,

    There are many ways to market a small business on the web.  You can buy banner ads, text links, or use PPC.  However, the best way is to get listed in a bunch of portals. Portals and directories are like phone books, and they often provide a lot of traffic because they tend to rank high on Google.

    This portal is giving away a free business card holder for lising your business (I got mine a few days ago in the mail).  If you want to know about some other portals, just let me know.

    Best of Luck

  4. Another very effective method would be to use social networking such as online forums. Do a search for forums in your niche, such as fund raising, or tupperware, or for a forum with a theme for which you are raising funds. Joing and contributing in forums is one of the very best ways to generate free targeted traffic. I use that method for my online business, and I get great results. Make sure you have a signature file with links back to your site.

    Once a member of a couple of forums, or as many as you feel you can keep up with, LOL, as you contribute meaningful posts and articles, you will build trust in the other forum members, and they will click the links in your signature file to visit your site to find out more about you. Also, every time you post a comment in a forum, your signature file leaves a back link to your website. Search engines see these links and over time you build page rank which translates to more visitors.

    Now, you cannot overtly advertise in most forums, but since you are a fundraiser, there may be forums that allow you to do so, because they know it will help whatever charity you are raising money for. Either way, this is a very effective method of getting website traffic.

    Hope this helped,

    Mitch H.

  5. I would try Yahoo Geocities. It worked for me. I started & owned & operated my own travel agency from home on the internet & I got a few free websites from Geocities. Remember, you can use them to get multiple free websites & you use them for free advertising. I made quite a bit in commissions by promoting my websites.

    Just go to the website geocities & follow their directions on making a free website. The directions are very easy to follow & it only takes a few minutes. Since I've seen your own website; I know you're educated on the internet & web so making your own free geocities websites should be very easy for you. Just remember, you can make multiple websites for such reasons as promoting different products or services to sell & you can also advertise your specials.

    One very excellent way that I found to make money using these geocities websites is that you can forward or attach these websites to your e-mails & your potential customers will see your websites when they read your e-mails.

    Use e-commerce to make money. Find a target market that you can e-mail & show your websites to. If your successful, you'll be attracting potential customers to your websites in no time at all. It worked for me. E-Commerce & E-mail is a lot better than phone calls or the regular mail {U. S. Post Office} it saves on stamps.

    You should also develop some form e-mail letters that you can send your potential customers with your attached websites. These form e-mails can be stored & then you just have to cut & paste them  to your website with each e-mail address that you send them too.

  6. If you want Free advertising than you can go almost anywhere. I only know of 1 place that gives you FREE, Unlimited, and PERMANENT advertising, that site is . all other places usually have deadlines

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