
What's the best website to look at Remote-Viewing drawings?

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I can't seem to find a site with loads of drawings to browse.Can you help me?




  1. Mirko...Hope you have a Happy future year!!! Do you like my avatar???LOL

    Answer to question...I saw on that "Best psychic" show where they did remote viewing. I really don't understand how it happens. Seems like it would give you a headache.

    There's a girl on here named Kel333...I bet SHE could do it if she tried!!!

  2. Just draw some yourself.  They'll be as accurate as anything on a website.

  3. Maybe I'm looking at this all wrong, but why would you need a website to look at remote-viewing drawings? Why not just use remote-viewing to look at the remote-viewing drawings?

  4. Maybe you are talking about Dr. John Dee's experiment. Here are some links:


    LOL, Denie, 10x! It was a great year - I turned from a cat into a baby then I grew up like a few years in just two weeks!

    Talking about 'para-normal' abilities!

    May the New 2008 be a great one for us all!

  5. IDK...but I think I did remote viewing when I didn't even know what it was. Maybe I'll check out those sites mirko mentioned.

    EDIT...mirko....You've OUTDONE YOURSELF!!! LOL You are SO cute!!!

    EDIT...I didn't draw the "shapes" like they did on that site. I drew..and colored the exact thing. When I did it..I "felt" something guiding me to do it. (Spooky..huh?) NOW I'm scared!! I shoulda been scared THEN!!!


    after getting there do not forget to click under the first one of each group.

    Please let me know if you could easily read all the lettering and whether or not the green lines frustrated your mind?

    See just how many of these you can read as they are....then when you can't anymore.....just do as you would a copy paste and when the background turns white and the words blue you can read it very easily.

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