
What's the better helmet?

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I bougth my first bike las saturday(VULCAN 500 LTD).I have gloves,boots and jacket but I saw many helmet at the store and I don't know which of those are the best for me.I need some help with that please.I'll like don't spend more than $300 if it's possible.Than you




  1. I bought the HJC 3/4 helmet. It is made in Korea and is very high quality . I like it because I can raise the face shield and get air if I want , It gives good protection for rocks and bugs, and if I get in the rain it is good protection. Please avoid the beanie type they dont offer much protection. HJC symax is a great full face type helmet also. I bought one on line for 200, the symax has the raisable chin bar, very handy. If you have time try on line (I like

  2. Bell makes a good helmet but fairly expensive HJC is also very good and you can buy them at a reasonable price, there are also some real junk helmets out there, you get what you pay for. when it comes to protecting your head spend the money and buy a good helmet, in the event of an accident it my very well save your life. good luck enjoy the new bike.

  3. Fit is everything, no amount of stickers is going to help if the fit is poor. Different manufacturers make different shell types that will suit most head shapes, try on a few to determine the best fit, then look for stickers.

  4. Whatever style/color/etc. appeals to you just make sure that the helmet has a sticker certifying it has been approved by the Snell Foundation. The Snell Foundation is an independent body whose sole function is to establish standards and test helmets to ensure they meet those standards. Pete Snell was an up and coming sports car racer who died of head injuries in the 50s due to a cheap helmet. The Snell Memorial Foundation was established in his memory to advance the art of helmet design and evaluation. A helmet with a Snell M2005 rating means it meets the latest standards for a motorcycle helmet (they upgrade standards every 5 years, 2010 will be the next standard, M=Motorcycle, K=kart, SA=auto racing). Snell rated helmets are usually a bit more than those with just a DOT rating, but you should find a good assortment that are still below your $300 target. Just remember the old saying "If you've got a $10 head, by all means buy a $10 helmet"  

  5. You need to try them on and go with whichever fits correctly, as that is the biggest criteria for a helmet protecting you the way it should.

    Now since you bought a cruiser style motorcycle the traditional helmet to wear with that is a open face style, however a full face helmet provides more protection and is what I would recommend, perhaps later, as you gain experience you can purchase another helmet for in-town riding and try a different style.

    Good luck.

  6. buy a full face helmet. arai is the best.

  7. Whatever you do do NOT penny pinch when purchasing a crash helmet

    your life may depend on it one day. It's a great saying here down under  a $10 head will fit a $10 helmet!!! NOLAN, AVG,HJC are just a few that come to mind and are a good crash helmet, and have DOT specifications. Go and try a few on make sure that your head is firmly held when choosing a size. Always choose a full face helmet, as a lot of guys wearing those dumb chopper type helmets have been down on the road and as a result a heap of them have had half there faces

    ground down on the tarmac. So you be smart and ride and dress safe. Also the Vulcan was a great choice of bike for you.

    All the best


    an NZeder

  8. go to this website and read hope it helps

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