
What's the big deal with suicide?

by  |  earlier

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Now if these people wanna die, let em die (mainly cuz i don't know em). Otherwise, what' the deal? It is an "IN" thing to commit suicide? You've gotta die to join our gang? What is this? club of the undead?

For those in the uk, i'm relating this question to the bridgeend suicide. One village (or town to be polite) where teens drop like flies. (Let's ignore the possibility of a mysterious spectre who can walk thru walls and hang them).

I have plenty of theories of my own on why this is happening. But my purpose of asking this Q is to see what you think about why this is happening.




  1. I think depression.

    Or the sake of being ‘emo’…

  2. i tihnk suicide is selfish!!! i would never put my family through that

  3. this is a tough time to be a kid.

    ive been there, tried to kill myself.

    and let me tell you, its no joke.

    i didnt get my ******* stomach pumped to be in a "club"

    kids get deppressed and have no where to turn, and feel theres on way out.

    so they cut, hurt, or kill themselves.

    and people like you think its the "in" thing?

    thats ignorant, but i guess you can't help it.

    please do some research on the subject.

    parents come home and find they're kids hanging in the closet or bleeding out in the bathtub.

    read some stuff on CNN or whatever.

    kids die cuzz they felt so ashamed or whatever of theyre feelings,

    cuzz they cant tell people,

    cuzz people like you try to tell them its to be "in".

    dont make it seem not real.

    ive been commited to ******* mental hospitals and was around all the sadness, all the pain.

    i heard these kids stories.

    i ******* dare you to go into a mental ward at my hospital and tell some girl who has 15 stitches in her wrists its cuzz it was the "in thing" to do.

  4. um...meth? Think about, small town with nothing to do, do meth, get crazy, and think it'll be cool to jump off a bridge to possibly see this mysterious spectre....ya that's my guess.

  5. must be a h**l of a boring place =P

  6. Hm... I thought that was pretty obvious... BECAUSE THEY HAVE MENTAL ISSUES!!!

    Actually, I did read an article about that awhile back. I t sounded like some other adult arranged for these sick ceremonies? Idk it was a while ago can't remember. But don't you think that would be heartbreaking at all if you're child or close relative or friend just killed themselves. Not necessarily because they didn't enjoy life but because some sicko convinced their naive minds to? Nobody in their right, mature mind should be trying to kill themselves.

  7. That's a really good question and maybe communities should be looking for reasons and dealing with it.  Then again it may be just that we are hearing about it more as the media seems to focus on gloom.  It bothers me on the frequency of teens asking about it and the complacency  & ready acceptance of it as an option.    In the past it was kept hush hush and  stigma's applied.   I think there are resources and help out there but my question would be why do troubled teens not ask for help when they are struggling.  I have a few theories as well along the lines of teens not feeling accepted and resorting to negative peer groups.    Maybe kids should be out in the sun and fresh air playing team sports instead of sitting at home on computers or stressing over text books until the wee small hours.   I don't know what the answer is but think it's a serious problem that could do with more attention from the powers that be.

  8. I have absolutly no idea why suicide in this town became so dare i say 'popular'. It completly dumbfounded me. Taking your own life is something i personally could never consider mainly due to my religious beliefs plus it is extremely selfish.  I could never imagine why anyone would take such an extreme measure...were they all trying to make a point? What point? It's completly over my head. Madness.  

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