
What's the biggest regret of your life???

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I'm in my mid twenties and I always regretted not going away to college. I chose to commute instead and I feel like I missed out on some great experiences that other people got to do. What's your biggest regret in life?




  1. My bigest regret in life is having a tatoo and tatooing my boyfriends name on it,trust me that is a real regret.We not together any more and i am going to remove it using raser.If i may ask do tatoos get really removed permanently or not?

  2. Not going to college, The amount of drugs I use to take really messed me up mentally. I would say drugs as number 1 cause I wouldve went to college if I didnt do sooo much!

  3. my biggest regret is spending all my life in sorrow thinking about all my regrets in life.

  4. Chosing soup and not salad at olive garden

  5. well.....the biggest regret of my life is always thinking how others will think of me and not having enough self confidence

  6. My biggest general regret still not being strong enough to take what i deserve. I 'give' freely but 'take' is almost foreign to me. I'm so aware of the debilitating effects of greed and so appalled by it that i I ovecompensate and go without what I deserve.

  7. mine would have to be one time i went out with this one guy who hated me but said he liked me and i regretted ever going out with him because he just wanted my money and my friend to go out with him i was really sad but 2 get over him i went out with another guy. for you just saying you can still go to college I'm thinking about going to college and i problem will.  

  8. that i didn't know my father well, i depended on mum opinion & idea abt his behaviors,  that i didn't grwo up fast to know him before he passed away.

    i think that we have to build our own ideas & opinions abt our parents & not to depend on each other's idea  

  9. worrying about how other's percieved me

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