
What's the bravest thing you ever did ?

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What's the bravest thing you ever did ?




  1. these 2 crack heads took my son and wife like wouldnt le them leave thier house so i went in with a base ball bat and beat them  both till they werent moving and took my son and wife back

  2. I crawled through the window-well (ridden with spiders and such) into our house because my mom locked the doors and didn't have a key, and I was the only one who could fit through there.  I was only about 6 or 7 years old, AND I was coming down with the flu at the same time.  I didn't tell my mom that until later.  "Later"  I threw up while watching The Dukes of Hazzard.  I didn't want to admit being sick.  I wanted to be the hero.

  3. love again!

  4. i was taking a spring break trip to canada and there was a big winter storm going on and somewhere in nebraska someone had slid off the raod and down the dide just past where the raod raised over train tracks it was snowing and 2 in the morn, and me and my buddies stopped and scaled the side of the embankment and helped pull the poeple out of the car before it slid down furhter and onto the tracks..we then used tow ropes and crawed carefully under the car and tied them to my truck up on the road to hold the car so we could climb back in and get them some warmer clothing out out there bags and slavage what we could.. ended up holding the truck there till a wrecker and the state trooper could pull them out. the couldnt speak much english (they were hispanic) but the couldnt stop saying thank you. it was a good feeling but it was scary being under the truck when it could have slid down at any point..

  5. Went on stealth.  And preparing myself for silverstar in germany next year.

  6. i dressed up like a guy in the kkk and walked around south central that takes balls

  7. I returned fire.

  8. i'm not gonna say

  9. Stood up for myself without anyone to support me.

  10. I don't know..I guess go to trial when I was facing 3yrs in jail when I could have taken a plea of 1yr suspended sentence with time served..if I had lost I would be in jail for the next two years..or 3 yrs if they decided not to let me out for good behavior...I am not sure if that is bravery or not..but I was found not guilty in the end..and now I am suing my accusers..

  11. Learning to ride a motorcycle.

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